Forced Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Party part 1-Temptation

Exuberant, Victoria seized Vladimir in a tight hug. Her brother didn't seem to be a hugger; his posture was stiff and he angled his face away from her.

"Thank you, Vladdie! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she burst.

"Let go and stop calling me that."

Giggling, she released him from her hold, shot me a grateful smile, then patted her brother's shoulder before gamboling off and leaving us.

"I think you just made her day." I smiled.

"Like I care." he snorted, "So, you can act proper in front of others, but not when you're alone with me?"

I shrugged. "You made me do it."

"No, I didn't. I released any hold on you I had after I told you to stay on the bed."


"You can't even admit it."

"There's nothing to admit, killer." I snapped.

"Hey, I like that name." he grinned, "And actually, there is. You, my dear slave, cannot admit that you called me master and helped my sister out on your own will."

"I didn't!"


"You'll have to behave, slave." he told me while dressing.

I sat on his bed-where he told me to be-and was completely mesmerized by his sculpted form. "You've already told me that, Master." I huffed.

"Now this is progress." he grinned over his shoulder at me. Then he turned back around and made sure he hadn't missed anything on his pants. I'd thought he was going to try to look fancy, but instead he was dressing up like he was just going out into a city.

"Why is it that your kind is always so beautiful?" I blurted. He made the black denim look colder than ice.

He laughed, rich and seductive. I wanted to melt in it for some reason. "It's simple really. Everything we are helps us get our prey. Your kind is so easy to slay: You fall in love with us and in the end, we eat you. That's nature's rule."

I frowned at him. "So humans are just food to you?"

"Every single one of you."

I shook my head and got off his bed.

"And where do you think you're going?" he leaned against his dresser and looked at me, amused and shirtless.

"Out." I growled, not looking at him.

"You can't open the door."

Fuck-I'd forgotten that.

"Come here, slave." With nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, I went to him. "Do you know why I had to buy a slave?"

"Vampires need them." I shrugged.

"Not all of them. Only royals need slaves. Lesser vampires only buy them if they can afford one. I've been denying having one for a very long time. Then I was forced to get a slave against my wishes."

I didn't see his point. "So?"

"So, you are in the presence of royalty. And because of that-and the fact that you're my first slave-people will take an interest in you. Not all of them will have good intentions."

"You're telling me this why?"

"Because you're mine and I happen to take a fancy to my property." he grinned, "I don't share what's mine. Nobody touches you, slave-"

"Okay, I'm tired of you calling me slave!" I internally snapped and cut him off, "My name is Arbella!"

"Don't do that again." he glowered at me.

"Than stop it."

We shared a tense moment of silence, just glaring at each other. Then:

"Your name is not important to my kind. Some like Victoria won't mind and will refer to you as Arbella instead of 'slave' if we are in private. On other occasions though, you are addressed as 'slave' no matter what. Understand?"

"So do I just address you as 'master' then?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"In private, yes. When we are in public, you will call me 'Master Vladimir' or 'my Lord'. My father is the only person you must call 'Your Highness.' Every other vamp is either 'Lord' or 'Lady'."

I nodded and he continued getting dressed.

"Finding something for you is going to be a pain." he muttered when he declared himself ready.

"Why? You don't want me dressed the way I am?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You dress that way only for me." he took on his possessive look again, "I told you I don't share what's mine and-"

Victoria bursting into his room made me jump while also silencing Vlad. His stunning sister was wearing a dress that reminded me of Christmas wrapping paper. 

It looked great on her though

"I hate you." he muttered.

"Vladimir, where do you think you're going dressed like that?" Victoria clipped her words.

He looked down at himself innocently. "Out?"

She pursed her lips. "Not like that you're not."

-----------------------------------Vladimir's POV--------------------------------------

I slipped a finger under the bow Victoria had forced around my neck. "How do men breathe with these damn things on?!" I huffed.

"Like anyone else." my sibling slapped my hand away from the monstrosity then stepped back and looked at her handiwork once again while we waited for Arbella. "Perfect."

"I hate you." I groaned.

"Shut up, Vlad. I already know you do."

"Are we all ready?" Father asked.

"Almost." Victoria replied.

"Who are we waiting for?"

"My slave." I grumbled, "I better go check on her."

"Did he just recognize his slave as a girl?" Father whispered to his only daughter, to which he received a nod.

I ignored them and dashed off, making sure to loosen the fabric that Victoria had worked so hard on. Stupid bow tie. Reaching my room within a short time frame, I opened the door.

And there she was: Arbella in a red bubble dress with a black bow and ribbon about her waist.

"Who dressed you?" I asked, feeling my mouth water as my eyes took her in hungrily. What was this urgent desire? I didn't want her blood terribly, yet...I wanted something from her. How wierd.

"Victoria gave it to me." she turned around and fidgeted with her fingers.

"Okay, I can smell your nervous. Spill." I came to her side.

"I'm going to look like a complete idiot." she mumbled.

"You're my slave-and you don't look like an idiot." I bristled. What the hell?!


I took a deep breath and grabbed her arm gently and walked her out of my room. "Come on. If I've got to deal with this looking like a pengiun with a red belly, you can do it looking like a red pixie that I'm tempted on eating."

"You want to eat me?" she giggled and peered into my eyes as I looked ahead of us.

"Don't tempt me, slave." I kept my emotions out of my voice. I wasn't used to this. Did I want to eat her? Yes. If I wanted to be truthful with myself, I'd have to admit that I wanted to consume her in more ways than one.

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