Forced Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Haunted

----------------------------------------Victor's POV---------------------------------------------

Defective? Ho-

Thanks. And just like that, the mental conversation was broken.

That boy gave me such a headache. I rubbed my temples in an attempt to make the pounding in my head melt away. Where did he get this attitude from? Certainly not me. It must have been hidden in his mother's genes. His poor, sweet wife...

I could still hear her screams in my mind. Victor!


Icy wind whipped against our bodies, trying to calw at our immortal vessels.

"Victor, you have to get out of here" she insisted, tears running down her face.

"I won't leave you-they'll kill you!" I repeated myself from earlier.

"You have to, my love. I'm already dy-"

"Don't say that!" my voice cracked "You're not leaving me, Amaria. I can't live without you."

"You have to-think of the children." she grasped my hands tightly. The children.....little Vladimir and Victoria... "They're coming." Her panicked voice brought me tumbling back to reality.

"Your Highness, Vladimir..."

"Let me save you, Amaria. Jump with me. We can get out of here alive together!" I implored.

"They'll never stop until one of us is dead! Victor, run. Get away from here and run. Oh, my sweet, don't look back. Go!" She shoved me hard off the cliff. I tried to recuperate and snatched at her desperately, only clutching air.

'I love you...' she mentally cried.

"No!" I cried out before icy blackness consumed me.


"My lord?"

                                                       Days later....

I tore through the thick woods. Branches clawed at my back and heaved at my clothes. I wouldn't be stopped-I couldn't! What if I didn't get there in time?! What if-what if I was too late?!?

'Be calm' I took a deep breath and kept going 'It's not over yet-not by a long shot.'

Her terrorized screams drifted to my ears. More scared than I had ever been in my whole life, I pushed myself to my extremes.


"Master, are you well?"

When I reached a clearing in the woods, it took every ounce of strength in me not to leap into that crowd and slice every one of those pounding throats. My breathing shortened with my rage.

"My lord, you're..panting?"

"Let's see how a vampire burns!" a voice cackled. Others joined him, whooping and cawing in delight. It made me sick.

"She's a fiesty one!"

"Don't let her bite you!"

Amaria was tied by many grubby hands to an ancient tree. Even from here I was, I could see her tears and hear her whimpering. I crept around the area, sneaking up to her, but I still had a ways to go. "Who's got a torch?"


"No, use mine!"



"Master Victor?!"

"Just throw them all at her! Let her know how it feels to be burned alive!" That stopped me cold and rooted me to the spot. "Like Veron did!" '

No no no no nonononnonononono!!!!!!!'

"For Veron!" the crowed cheered in unision.

Amaria's eyes widened in fear as fire rained down on her. My heart shattered. My eyes burned. I roared, finally able to move, and charged-

Something hard struck my cheek.Snarling, I snatched at the object, successfully grabbing it, and crushing it.

"Ow! Dad!"

I blinked a few times, trying to clear my hazey vision. "Victoria?" My hand went slack.

Immediatly, she cradled her wrist to her chest. "What'd you do that for?" she snapped, hurt at both the pain in her wrist and from my reaction. "I only slapped you so you'd stop wallowing in your memories!"

I looked at my daughter-really looked at her. "Oh my God. Victoria, I am so sorry!" I blanched and reached for her "Honey, I didn't mean to do it-honest."

"I know you didn't, Dad." she allowed me to hold her "It's already healing anyway."

"That'll be sore for a while."

"I know."

"I'm so s-"

"A slave was trying to tell you something." she informed me in the middle of my apology. What was with my children and them cutting me off when I was speaking?!

"And?" I sighed.

"Vladimir's gone hunting."

"I know."

"Oh..." she shifted uncomfortably. " Why did you let him go?"

"I didn't. He mentally relayed his intentions to me then left."

My daughter's eyes widened. "He'll be killed!"

"I know" I sighed heavily, "You'll have to bring him back. He said his slave was defective. How is beyond me-"

Once again, she cut me off: "She wasn't terrified of him when he bit her-he's an adrenaline and fear junkie when it comes to feeding."

I sucked in air sharply. Sometimes I just wanted to slap my children silly for interupting me when I was speaking... Then I took a deep breath and spoke calmly, "Go to him. Bring him back; I don't care what you have to do. Just do it and be quick about it."  Bowing deeply, she left.

---------------------------------Vladimir's POV------------------------------------------

I sprinted through the forest at my inhuman speed, loving the rush I was feeling. Crisp, cool air combed through my short hair and blasted against my face. Unlike a petty human, I did not tear. I lept over boulders and rivers effortlessly until I reached a small town.

"Father," I asked when I was very young "who killed Mother?"

"Barbarians." he replied.

I scowled at him while Victoria slept peacefully in her bed. "No-who REALLY killed her?"

Father looked away.

"Tell me!" I demanded.

"Okay, okay." He ran a hand down his face then turned back to me....

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