Chapter 6

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Amy POV:

After work at the nursery, I come home with john and Ricky is waiting for me on the couch. "People know." He said, as soon as I walk into the room. "Bunny knows and Margaret does too." A hot flash of anger surges through my body. "How did we let this happen?!?" I yelled. Finally the wave of anger is replaced with confusion. "How did they find out?"  I finally ask, my voice small.

Ricky stood up and ran a shaky hand through his hair. "Bunny came here early and heard us talking about it through the air vents. Margaret found out because as I was walking in from my lunch break, I tripped and the bag with your pregnancy test fell and she saw the box. Luckily, nobody else knows. Margaret was pissed though. She gave me this whole lecture on how we should not have more kids and whatnot." Feeling slightly embarrassed, I looked down at my shoes. Ricky came over to me and handed me the bag from the pharmacy. Inside the bag, there was a small box containing two tests. When I lifted the box out of the bag, a small piece of paper floated to the ground. It read:

Don't forget that whatever this test says,
I'll always love you. I love you more than
anything in the whole world.

I looked over at him and smiled. This was what I needed. I know that Ricky loves me but this just made it so much more real. I quickly thanked Ricky and gave him a hug. I took the two tests into the small bathroom and peed on both of them. After waiting three minutes, I looked at the first test. It was negative. But when I looked at the second test. It read positive.

Ricky POV:

I sat on the couch and waited for Amy to do the tests. Every passing minute filled me with anticipation, hoping it's positive. "Ricky!!" I heard a shout from the bathroom. Hurriedly, I scrambled towards her "what?" I asked "what does it say?" She gave me a slightly concerned look. Pointing toward the two tests on the rim of the tub she said "One reads positive and the other's negative." I turned to face her completely.  "We should get a test done at the clinic. That one will be accurate." I said. It was only 5:30 pm so this clinic was still open. We decided to go right then because we couldn't wait to find out if she was pregnant.

Amy POV:

At the clinic we requested an immediate appointment. Shortly thereafter a nice woman with short blonde hair called my name. "Amy and Ricky Underwood?" She called. We both stood up and followed her to a small office. She motioned for me to sit on the bed and I did. "So," she said, "my name's Lucy and I'll be helping you two out today. You requested an immediate appointment?" Ricky answered for me. "Yes." He said. "We think that Amy might be pregnant but the drugstore test results were inconclusive." Lucy nodded ever so slightly before saying "okay. Then, we'll have to do a test here. First we will do a urine test and then a quick sonogram. When would the baby have been conceived?"
"Two weeks ago." I replied as she handed me an empty container that I'm supposed to pee in. She directed me to a small restroom and I went inside. I peed inside of the small cup. After I washed my hands I left the restroom and handed the small container of urine to the doctor and she hurried it off to the back of the clinic.

Five minutes later, Lucy returned holding a medium sized yellow folder that seemed to have some sort of paperwork in it. "Okay guys," she said, her voice cheerful. "The test read positive, but we are still going to do a quick sonogram." Ricky and I both nodded in unison. Lucy made me lie down on the small bed.she pulled up my T-shirt, exposing my bare  stomach and spread a cool jelly over it. She wheeled out a small screen on wheels and began to scan my stomach with a wand attached to the machine. After a few moments, Lucy finally said "You are definitely pregnant!" She said with a smile. Of course I was happy, but I wondered: what would everyone else think?

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