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I've been watching Andromeda for awhile; she seems to be perfectly fine, but i now that's just a cover up. How do you love someone so broken? She's smiling more now, I'm glad, but she still seems so distant. The one thing that hasn't changed is that she keeps zoning out. Maybe she can't stop it? What if she zones out enough to communicate with the real world? I don't wanna ask her to do that just yet, maybe later. She is so imaginative; i love that about her; hmm, channel concern with a project; haa. I got an idea. I'll ask her to help me in a project with how old the earth really is, and if we succeed, maybe we'll know if we're a simulation or not? I put everything in my backpack and got ready to go meet up with her. Our projects have been getting some news recently. We were invited by some important people to make an aura detector, one that can channel the aura of a person and use it against them. It'll be like I'm that person simultaneously with the real host. Hopefully i can access their thoughts through their aura, transforming it into a pixilated form.  I'm not going to do this project; 4 cases why: the people play Russian roulette for fun, their all big , they're arms dealers; actual arms and weapons dealers, and they are connected to very powerful people; people who know how to exterminate others... Eerie.. shiver...shiver. Although; they can still hurt us if we decline. what would sherlock do in this case? (The Sherlock from elementary.) hmmm, maybe I'll get into it but keep special opps.  at my beck and call? Andromeda won't agree but whatevs, I want to feel young again, i hope anyone doesn't notice my crinkles. Sigh~~~ I haven't saved the world yet in some post apocalyptic place~~ or teleported~~~~~~~

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