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The insides were all crumbling down. I thought they told us it was perfect? Bryan, "maybe there was a fight or our e. alien likes it like this. We got to an enclosed room that was still intact; we found him in there. Wow, he's just like that kid from that movie made by the director of chappie, not our robot; the movie. He's so cute,aww. Bryan,"should i leave you here"? Hmm, the kid is looking at me. I spoke to him in morse code, wondering if he understands. He flashed his big eyes right at me, he understands! Oh my gosh Bryan, he understands morse code. Hmm, i wonder if he speaks English? I spoke slowly to him, he seemed to know English and told me to leave. I told him we're here to help you, we're not bad. "That's a really stupid thing to say, he won't believe you", said Bryan. Duhh, added a little bit of the rolling eyes and a hair toss. Bryan, "tisk ,tisk, tisk".

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