Who knows

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When i got inside the house i started yawning like crazy. Thats what happens when you try to work on a starry night painting by V.V.G. Bryan, " wanna play a game or watch tv"? I started whining and saying that i wanna sleep. Bryan, " okay cool, ill wake u up when i have finished all the pizza", he yelled at me. The minute i heard that i came running down and i hugged the pizza box, said,"neverrrrrrrrrrrr!" "So i think this isn't the real world", said Bryan. "What do you mean", i asked him? Bryan, "there are signs of other planets having life other than us and some sort of DNA from humans mixed with other creatures". "Cool", i replied. Look it isn't the typical movies bout aliens you see, we actually caught one on our camera.
At that moment i spit out my pizza and was staring at him with big eyes; like have all my dreams come true? "I know what your thinking, and yes they have come true", said Bryan. "We found a scientific breakthrough which will allow us to travel in light years. Top secret classified info i just told you. We will pick him up, the extraterrestrial creature and study him down on earth. Guess what,Said Bryan?" "What", i replied? "We got the case", replied Bryan! I opened my mouth and a scream like a banshee came out. Bryan screeched in pain. Now I'm the type of person if you asked to scream, i would just speak the word and not scream; but this is the happiest I've been,I started to jump up and down like a crazy person.  When i finally calmed down, oh who am i kidding, i never will, Bryan did the hallelujah sign. When he realized i wasn't screaming, he started to blush , but then became a giant tomato. It's so cute. Both of us being tired did the most reasonable thing ever. We stayed up all night having a movie marathon, cause apparently we were superheroes. Shhh, don't tell anyone.

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