The impossible

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Who knows

there is someone who remembers the past :it started in her dreams,
but she didn't know whether it was real or fake. honestly who would? this is me and what happened is unthinkable.

Its the type of world where you fight to survive but there's still a little peace its not full on revolution with men in top hats . If someone told me this world is fake, i would believe it if only they had proof. But as every adult says this is reality not fiction so i followed but never gave up hope. You see people have invented space shuttles and all these other devices; formed the theory of gravity but how do u know yeah ?Before u get up and throw a chair in my way hear me out ; we haven't been in the past so how do we know if its real
there could be a strong reign which forced people to write up fantasy battles ,war heroes and fake lifestyles but none of that crap is real its fake.

In my head i had that thought telling me to give this up, i mean this did form after reading 1984 by george orwell but anyways:

here's how it started . I was sleeping as usual when i just woke up sounding like a dying goldfish out of water.
The first thing I thought was extinction
there was a vocie at the back of my head telling me to calm down so i did.
The thing that came into my mind was
love and no I'm not the creepy stalker type dreaming of fictional characters.
2 people loved each other for very long. Evern's lover was a garbage man but as they had their share of dates he became a big green thumb no more a garbage cleaner its amazing this type of love exists, at least shes not the stuck up type who only dates rich guys and he was a really sweet man. Something struck ferociously , booming like the clap of a hundred hands echoed in the distance, a horrendous purple light took Evern away .the green thumb was left in despair .his love was taken away and he disappeared like vapor thats when i woke up. I've read that dreams are signs of your past life or a psychic transmission. This was sure to be one of those dreams. I don't know whose contacting me, but i know its real. As usual i had to get up and do the usual.
After i was done i went downstairs to eat, but there was nothing. I didn't forget to buy groceries. I'm an orphan by the way staying in an old shack which I redecorated. It hasn't been long but i like it, all on my own, free to myself. Honestly i don't like humans, now that isn't saying much since I'm a human. I just hate fakers, there are fakers everywhere. Im not antisocial i just cant tolerate them.

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