Apples - A Nalu Fanfiction

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I carefully push my knife into the red fruit, splitting it into two perfect halves. I smile to myself as the sweet liquid drips down my hand. I study the two pieces, deciding to save them for later. I turn to store them into the fridge, but to my surprise, Natsu is there, smiling. I shriek and drop the two flawless slices.
"Oh look what you did!" I scold him.
"Five second rule!" He shouts, picking up the slices.
"That's gross, Natsu! How did you even get in?"
"You never lock your door, Lu," He says, smirking. I hate it when he does that, because it always turns me on. And he knows it. I groan and let out a breath as I turn my back to get another apple.
"I love you," he sings.
I sigh at him and ignore his attempt to lighten my mood.
"Come on, Babe," he whispers, wrapping his long arms around my waist, rocking me.
"I love you, too," I reply sarcastically.
"That's my girl," he mutters, softly kissing my hair.
Knowing that was my cue to act, I slid my hands into his pink hair and faced him.
He smiled and pressed his nose to mine, his lips softly brush mine. Come on come on come on!
He slowly backs away and stares into my longing eyes. I want him so badly. Oh... I get it. He wants something in return. Naughty. I smile and grasp his hands in front of me. I slowly drag them to my waist, and then to my butt. Natsu raises his eyebrows and smiles. I roll my eyes and lean in closer. Nothing.
"Not enough?" I ask, wondering if this was a fair deal.
"No," he replies, laughing.
"Fine," I giggle and pull him along to the living room. I unlock one hand and dim the lights with the other. He gazes into my eyes for permission, and I blink his approval. Suddenly, he shoves me onto the couch, soon landing on top of me. He pins my hands above my head and finally, kisses me. Hard. He opens and closes his mouth to take small breaths in between, but I take advantage. I swipe my tongue and touch his bottom lip. He shivers, and I do it again, this time nipping it with my upper teeth.
"Oh..." He breathes, realizing my power. Almost immediately, he reaches his tongue into my mouth, and I lock. We open and close to regain our position, and this goes on for what seems like forever. Natsu's hands grip my belt-loop, and he pulls them down. Almost completely exposed, I blush furiously. My hands grab the hem of his shirt and pull up. I pause for a moment, staring at the beauty hidden beneath his shirt. A six pack better than any others I've seen. I hear a crunching sound and look up at his face. He seemed completely disinterested in his stomach, and much more important than what laid in his hand. Half an apple.
"Are you seriously eating that now?"
"Want some?" He offers, his mouth full.
"Ew, no," I say laughing.
He shrugs and begins to lift the bottom of my shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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