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No, no, no. This is SO not happening. I hit my head against the steering wheel and squeezed my eyes shut. “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there?” I mumbled desperately.



 I scowled and got out of my beloved car to assess the damage. A stupid Hummer had rear ended my baby. My now deformed car that I had worked for months to get looked like a crumpled piece of shit, compared to the fat-ass, unscathed Hummer that was kissing my baby’s butt.

 “Oh-my-god, I’m so sorry! I was looking… uh… elsewhere. Is it bad?” A twat about my age gushed. Oh how I love the word twat. Twat walked up to where our cars were showing some public displays of affection. Her eyes were wide and a bit scared.

 "Elsewhere?! What’s that supposed to mean?” I said, rather harshly.

 She looked down, and, very intelligent-like, said “Uuuuhh.” She glanced to the side before her eyes returned to her feet.

Her shoes aren’t that interesting.

I followed her oh-so-sneaky glance and saw Twat’s boyfriend getting out of the disgusting Hummer. Oh boy, wasn’t he a looker. He shook his glossy mane of light brown hair and his blue eyes gazed into mine.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up. Now, let me set something straight. This is not the kind of story where I have to decide between the popular douche and the best friend. No, there is no Jacob or Edward in my life, thank-you-very-much.

Neither is this the kind of story where Jockboy finally notices Nerdgirl and they fall in love, even after a glare and a shove from Jockboy’s ex.

 No, no. That cliché crap is SO over-rated. 

 This is my story. And I will not put up with an OUNCE of cliché crap in my young life.


A/N: Soooo this is just a teaser... I don't have anything else written, but I was so excited about this that I had to post it! We'll see what happens. Comment and vote if you want more (:

Thanks for reading!!

p.s. Sorry for all the swearing, but thats just how the character turned out! It was out of my control haha.

Oh, and I don't know what to call this, so the title may change!

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