(one hour later)

am so tired but i have to this am almost there i think i can see it there that big house

and soon as i saw it all the memories came back i remembered the police coming to the house telling me the news i remembered every detail and the pain started hurting my heart

me:- but i have to stay strong i can do this am strong i can do this Hope you can do this

i walked finding the door unlocked i came inside and i close the door it was black dark dirty but it was home my home i put my bag beside the door and i walked to the bathroom i washed my face looking into the dusty mirror i spalshed some water on it so i could look at myself in the mirror

i felt my phone buzz and i took it out my pocket i found 9 messages from Harry

*text message from harry*

are you ok?

where are you?

is everything ok?

why aren't you in school?

Hope please answer i have looked for you every where?

Hope what's going on did i do anything where are you?

am going to stop messaging you but please call me when you see this message please

Hope am sorry if i did anything just please answer

please call me Hope please

i felt bad remembering that i was suppose to meet him yesterday so i decided to call him

Harry:- Hope are you ok i have been sick worried where are you

Me:- am ok Harry am sorry for not calling you yesterday a lot has happened and i just a lot of stuff got complicated

Harry:- Hope are you sure your ok it sounds like you have been crying

Me:- am fine Harry i really am

Harry:- where are you

i looked around having a smiled a bit

Me:- am finally home Harry since a long time

Harry:- where is that i will come meet you there

i thought about it and i guess i needed him i gave him my address and told him to come after and hour and a half we hung up and i looked at the mess i took a deep breath and i started to open the windows and i started to slowly clean i went under the stairs to find the brooms and i started to clean everywhere

when it was the time to clean upstairs i couldn't just go up so i kept cleaning downstairs cleanign the windows and the door i went to the kitchen to see if i could turn the water on but of course i couldn't and that's when i heard the knock my heart fell did they find me al ready

i went to the window in the living room and saw who was at the door and it was Harry and my heart slowly went to beating slowl, i went and i opened the door.

Harry:- hey

Me:- hi

Harry:- can i come in

i steped aside for him to come on in pointing at the living room he took a seat

Harry:- so mmm who's house is this

Me:- my house

it felt good to say that for the first time it felt real

Harry:- but i thought you lived with Justin

Me:- past tense stuff happened and we got into a fight and he left and i did to but he doesn't know am here so please don't tell anyone

My Imperfect Life StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ