Part 3 - Chapter Thirty

Start from the beginning

"Cameron is checking the barns, is there anywhere else Noel likes to hide or play?" Hercules asked.

"No," I said shrugging, the truth was I didn't know that much. Ever since he was born I tried keeping my distance from this family, so I could bring him no harm. I had no idea what he liked, what he disliked, where he liked to play or anything.

This was the first time in the moment of a critical emergency my mind just wasn't functioning. My stomach was in knots, my head was a mess and I felt jittery all over. All I could think about was that I might fail the promise I gave her.

And if I failed that one promise, I didn't deserve to live.

"Promise me something," sometimes I wondered why good things happened to bad people, and bad people happen to good people.

My eyes avoided hers, instead they focused on the beeping machine, with each beep it was slowing down. And I knew exactly what it meant.

"Illa, promise me."

"I don't want to." I said.

I could hear a faint cry in the distance, it was awake, I mean, the baby was awake. Would the baby know that it's-his, his mother was dying in this room."

"Come on Illa, you'll grow to like him."

This time I turned to see her face, meeting her eyes as she stared at me, half smiling, "It's not that hard."

"His grandparents can look after him."

"I want you to look after him," Her voice was softer, it was nearly time, "I want you to be his godmother."

"Don't do this." I shut my eyes. How can I take care of him when I knew every day that I was probably the reason his parents had died. The reason his dad was dead, the reason his mum stood no change giving birth to a wolf without her mate helping her.

One day that kid was going to grow up to hate me, when he was old enough to find out the truth. I couldn't lie to him all his life, I couldn't hide the fact that I was the one who made him turn out to be an orphan.

"Promise me."

Why was this so cruel, was this her way to torture me for the rest of my life, as revenge for her husband. So everytime I could look into the baby's eyes all I saw was my brother?

"Fine." I opened my eyes

"Fine?" She smiled, "You mean you would love the honour to be his godmother, isn't that right?" The beeps were getting further and further apart. Even during a time like this, she was smiling.


"Is that a 100 percent yes Illa?"

"Yes." I nodded, this time more sincere.

And knowing that he was in good hands, his mother closed his eyes for the last time.

"Gia," Hercules looked at me concerned, bringing me back from my painful memories, "Are you okay?" he asked.

I shrugged and started to walk, "Where would they take him? Why haven't we heard anything yet?" I asked.

"Is there any part of this land that has good hiding spots?" Hercules asked.

"No, it's just farm land," I said confused.

"They wouldn't go out of the territory as that might be another pack land, they wouldn't risk going there unannounced so at least we can narrow it down to here." Hercules said, stopping as he looked around. His wolf sight was far more heightened than mine.

"Talk me through your property."

"There's not much, the house, the barn where the pigs are. Cameron is there so he'll let us know. Then you have the apple orchard and grape vineyard and that goes down for 10 acres and it hits the main road."

"We would have heard something, what about this side," Hercules said pointing out to hills of greenland.

"Sheep and cows, again they all go towards the main town there aren't any hiding spots there. This side here is the barn, house, and flowers. There's no hiding spots there either."

"What about this way?" Hercules said, turning around.

"Nothing, that's the way we came, it's three kilometres of grass and you get to the beach which is public."

Hercules pursed his lips, deep in thought, I watched him close his eyes and I just wished my wolf could smell him out for me, but I could barely feel her presence.

"Beach." Hercules said opening his eyes, "Beaches have caves, hiding spots."

"You think he's there?" I asked.

"It's our best shot." he said rushing towards the car.

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