My nephew has not had a sex change

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John's POV

"Please take a seat," Sherlock offered the girl, gesturing to the armchairs with his gun before he returned it to his coat pocket.

The girl wondered over, still eating the cheerios', and sat on the large armchair. She made herself comfortable. Too comfortable – rearranging the cushions, and putting her feet and trainers up on the coffee table.

"If you wait a minute I'll get some tea," Sherlock said, heading off into the kitchen.

"Herbal," she shouted after him.

"What the..." I muttered, chucking his coat in the direction of the coat stand and heading into the kitchen after him.

Sherlock was raking through the cupboards. Probably looking for some tea he hadn't yet mixed with body parts. Sounds ridiculous, but he'd done it before.

"Just what are you doing?" I asked him in a hoarse whisper.

"Looking for herbal tea," he replied quietly.

"No. I meant with the nice act. Not the 'I'm-going-to-be-a-straight-forward-asshole-and-read-your whole-life-from-your-pinkie-finger' act you usually pull with people. Do you know her?" I asked, his politeness was worrying me.

He stopped what he was doing, and turned to look at me with his pale blue eyes. "I thought you knew her." He said, an eyebrow raising.

"Never seen her before in my life." I replied.

"You told me your nephew was coming to say for a night."

"Yes, on November the 30th."

"That's today isn't it?"

"No, it's not Sherlock," I said. Why could someone with such a great mind not remember the blasted date? "And anyway, my nephew is a boy."

"Minor details," he said with a wave of his hand. "And gender can be subject to change – he was a boy last time you saw him, that doesn't mean he is still one now."

"Sherlock," I growled, trying to bring him back on track. "My nephew has not had a sex change."

"Ok..." he said slowly, as if I was stupid. "Was that all you wanted to sa–"

"Sherlock, who the hell is sitting in our lounge?"


Well, that's part two done! and the question still remains - who is the intruder in 221b? do you have any ideas? 

please vote and comment :D

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