"No, it's okay," I insisted, a sudden rush of embarrassment coming over me, and maybe a little bit of pride.

"We're going to the same place, you might as well just tag along—"

"It's okay, really," I said, backing my way out into the hallway again. "I think I can figure it out." Without waiting for another word, I exited the abandoned classroom and went speed walking straight towards the office doors. Ms. Patterson, who was now well off the phone, called my name behind me, but I didn't turn around.

I didn't need Sean to show me where the detention room was. Our school was not that big. I can find it myself. Honestly, I've gone here my entire life. I should be able to figure out where they hold detention at.

I wandered around the halls for about ten minutes before finally coming across the library, where detention was being held. Just my stubborn luck, I showed up five minutes late.

"Ms. Perez, what are you doing here?" Ms. Cameron rose an eyebrow as I entered the library. I gave her a crooked smile and kept my eyes low as I approached her desk. I didn't even want to know who all was in this room. And I especially didn't want to see Sean. My cheeks flushed at the thought of him ridiculing me for denying him help earlier.

"Hi, Ms. Cameron. I'm supposed to be here for detention." I said in a hushed tone.

The shock on Ms. Cameron's face was inevitable, but she didn't question me as she looked through a large list. Her expression softened once she found my name.

"Mr. Keizer," she muttered. I swear she even rolled her eyes.

"Alright, Brooke, you may take a seat. This is a quiet, working environment so please, no talking unless you have a question for me." Ms. Cameron's eyes looked sympathetic as she sent me on my way. I nodded and turned around to face the rest of the detention room.

If I thought my cheeks were hot before, they're probably on fire at this point. The room, to my mortification, was almost empty. The only people here were me, Sean, and some gangly, art kid who appeared to be much younger than us.

I took a seat at the front of the classroom, well away from the other two, and as close to Ms. Cameron as I could be without sitting at her desk. I heard a chuckle from behind me, but I refused to turn around.

The room was so quiet I didn't even want to open my lunch. If I had to chew something, everyone would probably hear my every bite, so I decided against crackers or carrots and stuck to my yogurt.

As the minutes passed by, I got straight to work, completing my homework assignment for Physics and even doing some research for my upcoming English essay. Honestly, this detention thing wasn't half bad. I always felt more motivated when I could eat and the stillness of the room made me want to do nothing but work.

There were only fifteen minutes left of lunch when one of the secretaries from the office came into the library and hustled to Ms. Cameron's side, whispering something to her that I could not decipher. Ms. Cameron's eyes grew big for a moment and then collected herself once again.

She cleared her throat and rose to her feet.

"Everyone, I will be back momentarily. There is something that needs my assistance, but the rules remain the same. Keep this a quiet, working environment please," and with that, she followed the secretaries lead and flew out the door.

When Ms. Cameron left, I felt the atmosphere shift. Suddenly, my defenses were up and I couldn't focus on my work. What is it about a teacher leaving that instantly relieves all forms of rules?

Sean was next to me in a matter of minutes, his presence making my heart jump.

I didn't want to look at him. If I didn't acknowledge him, maybe he would go away. I couldn't even process why he was next to me in the first place, but after the embarrassment of accidentally following him earlier, I didn't want to know what he had to say. Probably something else to make me embarrassed.

The Surfer's HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora