11 left sanded. Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.

At the break of morning Megalyn was brushing her golden horse's mane. 

King Johnkell watched her quietly.  He didn't like her very much but he knew deep down Megalyn knew more about the Towers than he did which isn't good for a King. 

Megalyn was very smart.  She was always used for helping families and others fix their problems.  King Johnkell didn't know this among many things. 

He had his men hunt for something to eat though the Forest women were doing it also.  Megalyn sat by the King.  He stood up and walked away. 

"I hope you're still not upset about me overstepping my boundaries.  I just wanted to help find Mikekell."  Megalyn explained. 

"I do not care about that.  I just want to find my son.  Kill who has him.  Then go drink my wine.  After we eat we find a way to get into those water's.  Can you work on that?"  Johnkell asked her. 

"I have been known to perform miracles but even that is beyond my reach.  The Mermaids have many gifts.  I can help with some but to get us under water and breath for how ever long we need I can't do that.  Maybe I can work out something but it's not going to be what you want.  We need to come at this with a slow hand.  They are stronger than all of us.  Under water even more."  Megalyn told him. 

"They are not stronger than me.   You yes! But I am a King.  I might not have powers of magic and witchcraft but I am a man and I know how to fight.  I know how to kill.  I plan on killing who stand in my way not hold their hand.  You will do the holding of their hands.  When your'e done you can clean up the bloody mess.  That is what we do next.  After I eat."

Megalyn scoffed in disgust.

The forest people came back with fish and rabbit.  Soon after the Kings men came back with a fish and a rag with berries.  The King grabbed the fish and berries from their hands.

The Forest women cut the rabbit and began to cook it.  The men watched as their mouths began watering the more it cooked.  The smell was starting to grow.  Soon the rabbit began to look like a home cooked meal.  The aroma pierced deep into the Kings nostrils.  A loud growl from his stomach announced itself.  He stuffed his face with the berries.  His men were still building the fire. 

"I will be more than happy to work this night for you but how about I make your meal.  So you can rest?  Your men need strength.  This is something I should be doing.  At least from your Towers. 

Please if it's okay with your king I will cook this lunch.  Rest your feet."  Megalyn offered waiting for the Kings response.

"It's fine.  Just make it quick.  I want to get going." He told her.

Megalyn cooked the fish and added her supply of vegetable's she carried along.  When done she handed it to him.  He immediately started devouring it. 

After having their lunch they headed to the Ocean Towers.  The Kingdom wasn't to far from where they were.  The Ocean is a huge area.  Not all of it is King Morfah's.  There is also the Sea.  Those are many towns and cities.  Underneath where many mermaids live. 

Megalyn stopped before they got too close to the Ocean Towers that belonged to the mermaids. 

"How do we get to these creatures?"  King Johnkell asked. 

"We should stay here and think this through.  Maybe we will see something or hear something.  I need time.  We been moving for many hours.  I need to make supplies.  We need to be prepared.  You need to call more people.  You are a smart King, do this wisely."  Megalyn told him.

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