Phase 4

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When some girls can't sleep they blow up their bf's phone when I can't sleep I be ready to get a snack and play the game.
I know it's so unattractive I need to chill and get girly.
I still need to get girly been in this tomboy stage too long.
it'll happen one day soon.
I remember what it was like "Growing Up Shy" and being afraid of everything. Now i try to put myself out there and be bold.
I'm still in that phase Except when people decide to mess with me past a point I get my revenge. No one expects the shy tomboy.
i went through such a bad tomboy phase when i was little but tbh i still cringe at the sight of dresses.
I was actually always a tomboy not the cool one that was a phase when we were your I was really a tomboy and still am.
I think I'm still in that tomboy phase of life where it would be totally awkward if I showed up somewhere lookin like a complete lady.

That Tomboy In HerWhere stories live. Discover now