Wine and some guilt tripping

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Willow sips on her coffee, absentmindedly stirring more of the whipped cream into it as she tries to memorize the workings of a cell. She's so engrossed in thought she doesn't notice that someone has sat across from her at her little table and is thumbing through her math book.

"Who in their right mind takes calculus their senior year?" Abel asks and she jumps, setting her book down. "Isn't it about slacking off?" He teases, grinning up at her despite the fact she's glaring at him.

"The more college classes I do here, the more likely I am to get through college in 4 years or under, so hand it over." She orders and he ignores her, still looking through it.

"Jesus, you must be smart to get this stuff. I saw this on Tommy's homework once, but none of the rest of us could figure it out." He recalls fondly.

"Glad to see where the brains went in your family." She says coolly, hand still extended for the book.

"Well, I reckon the fact that his mom was a doctor and my mom was a junkie might factor into it just a little." He says nonchalantly, handing her the book. She's gaping at him and not expecting it, so it crashes amid her papers and other books. He raises an eyebrow.

"I... I didn't... Know that." She stammers.

"You're not the only one from Charming with a half sibling." He says conversationally, leaning back and looking around him curiously. People sit in small groups at tables, enjoying coffee or tea, talking in low tones. Flowers bloom all around, in hanging pots and troughs. "I like this place."

"Why are you here?" She asks suddenly, wondering if it's a coincidence that he's in her favorite coffee shop.

"Maybe I like coffee." He suggests.

"Then go buy some." She points out and he smiles again.

"You got me. I was looking for you. Bowen said that you'd be here, that you usually are on Saturdays." He admits.

"Why?" She repeats suspiciously.

"I wanted to say sorry for the other day, what I said about girls that grow up in the MC. It was out of line and rude." He apologizes and her eyebrows jump up. "I thought I shouldn't waste any time."

"Why say sorry? I said some pretty nasty stuff too." Willow reminds him, leaning back and folding her arms, wary of a trap.

"Yeah, but your sister- sorry, half sister- had just set everyone off. You had a reason to get pissed. I shouldn't have said that stuff." He says, still relaxed.

"Most guys in the MC don't say sorry." She says slowly and he throws his hands up, exasperated.

"How many times do I have to remind you, I'm not in the MC." He maintains. Willow keeps her tongue in check as he runs a hand through his hair. "Well, I just wanted to say sorry, in case I don't see you before I leave."

"You're leaving?" She asks, forgetting about her silence.

"Well, I never planned to stay here very long. Like I said, I wanted to learn about my dad from the people that my mom would never talk about. I reckon I learned quite a bit." He says and Willow recognizes that carefully hidden pain. She does it too. "So I'll leave Charming pretty quick and you can get back to whatever you were planning on trying to get away with." He sums up quickly.

"Oh, well that's... good." She says lamely. He nods; suddenly back to his bright smiles. He gets up.

"Well, I'll see you then." With a nod, he's gone, back on his bike and roaring off. Willow stares at her biology book, but she's not really comprehending any of it anymore.

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