Your mom, the pornstar?

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"Jordan, what are you doing?" A tall girl demands, storming down the hall, her long hair blowing in the breeze as she follows her friend out the doors of the school and to the parking lot.

"Nothing!" The girl protests defensively, wheeling around and folding her arms. The tall girl raises one perfectly sculpted eyebrow and Jordan frowns. "Wills, I'm not trying to trick you. I'm actually not doing anything." The girl frowns and reaches forward, yanking downwards on the zipper of Jordan's hoodie, revealing a low cut corset top.

"Don't ever lie to me." The girl says warningly. "Now who are you going to see, my mother or Bowen?" Jordan squirms uncomfortably.

"Bowen." She mutters finally. "But Willow it's not like that!" She insists and Willow rolls her eyes.

"Isn't like what? You're not going to go to the MC and sit on his lap and serve him beer?" Willow hisses and Jordan opens her mouth, but Willow cuts her off with a look. "I grew up there Jordy. I grew up with Bowen. So trust me when I say that you are not the first piece of barely legal ass he's chased after. Trust me, once you're 19, he won't have eyes anymore." Jordan's chin juts out defensively.

"Not true. He said I was the prettiest lass he's ever seen. He said we'd get married in Ireland." She lets slips then looks like she regrets it a moment later. Willow laughs humorlessly.

"And what? Bring you home to his ma and da? Girl, you are not the first to be taken in by those blue eyes and fake Irish promises. Trust me." Willow says then turns before Jordan can say anything else. She doesn't look back as she strides back into the school.

"Hey, Wills." A voice calls and she turns, smiling at Camila as she jogs over.

"Hi Cam." She says warmly, falling in step as they make their way to math class. Camila grunts, checking her phone. "Do not tell me Manny went off the grid again." Willow says with exasperation.

"Since last night." Camila grumbles.

"Jesus I need new friends. Ones that don't fuck gangbangers and Sons." Willow complains, slinging her bag around the back of the chair and knocking a kid's feet off her seat with one swift movement. She collapses into the chair, oblivious to his dirty look.

"Why? Where's Jordy?" Camila asks, looking around and noticing their third member is missing.

"Aye, probably on a flight ta Ireland wit Bowen." Willow informs her with a heavy Irish accent.

"Did you try to stop her?" Camila asks in alarm.

"Please." Willow scoffs. "There is no stopping Bowen's charm. Don't worry; the longest he's ever hung onto a girl is 6 months, max. She'll be back and we'll have to check her for STD's and then get ice cream." Willow says cheerfully. Camila snorts with laughter.

"Who's getting checked for STD's?" A kid in the row behind her asks. "Your mom, the pornstar?" He says with a snicker.

"No, actually." Willow says sweetly, without turning around. Camila pauses, looking up from her phone to watch. "But she certainly can afford it, since your family is spending so much money on her website. She really should offer family packs. Could save you and your overweight dad, plus your inbred brothers a whole hell of a lot of money. You could use it too." She finally turns around and looks at him. "Wal-Mart shoes sure wear out quick, don't they?" With a smirk, she faces front and is listening intently to the explanation of the algorithms they'll be working that day. Camila is snickering as the boy fumes.

"Are we going to get Jordan at least?" Camila asks, as the class gets up. Even though the bell has rung, Willow remains in her seat, fixated on the problem. "Wills." Camila says loudly and Willow shoves the paper in her bag.

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