Have fun with this shitty life

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Willow was right to predict that she wouldn't be able to move or eat anything at her party. She tries to inch towards food, but gets intercepted time after time by more bikers who bring a card, their own beer, and stories about her father. She has to greet all of them with a small smile and a nod.

"Thought you would want this." Someone mutters behind her, placing a glass of water next to her. She glances over her shoulder and Nick grins back at her. She smiles gratefully and gulps the entire glass down.

"Thanks." She says, rasping slightly. "I've never had to hug so many people in my life." Nick glances around at the crowd. It's mostly Sons and old ladies, with a couple people from Charming mingling around nervously.

"Interesting crowd." He observes, but Willow can't say anything else, as more people file in.

"How much time left?" She asks under her breath as Ellie arrives and shoves a brownie into her hands.

"Half an hour." Ellie informs, blocking her from view so Willow can devour the entire brownie in one bite.

"But I'm starving El." Willow complains as Ellie brushes chocolate crumbs off her face.

"Bright side, you look tiny in that dress." Ellie says cheerfully and Willow stifles a groan, her smile looking only slightly forced as she moves to hug the couple that just walked in.

"Ever seen so many bikes in your life?" Jordan asks Bowen curiously, looking at the parking lot of TM, filled with rows of bikes.

"Aye." He says casually. "Rallies." He explains when she gives him a look.

"I'M FREEEEEEE!" Willow yells, burst through the club doors, arms in the air. Bowen and Jordan watch as she whoops, walking towards them.

"That bad?" Jordan asks.

"Wait till it's yours." Willow says, pointing at her. "Bo, the guys want you for cleanup crew. Jordy, what are our plans for tonight?" Jordan glances at Bowen's retreating back and Willow groans.

"I'm sorry!" Jordan says instantly. "But Wills, you know how important it is to be at these parties. You're the one who told me that these guys will fuck anything if their old lady isn't there." She points out and Willow gapes at her.

"First, you are not his old lady. Second, shouldn't that make you want to not date him? And third, do you even have any idea of what the club is like when they're drunk?"

"No." Jordan admits.

"It's terrible. It's awful. So don't try to tell me that you want to be here. And if you do, if you really, really do, you're more fucked up than I thought." Willow says flatly and Jordan folds her arms.

"I'm staying." She says flatly and Willow stops looking surprised and instead looks disgusted.

"Have fun with that being your life." She hisses, pointing to the clubhouse. "I hope you get knocked up and have his screaming children. He'll be in jail most of the time anyway, so you'll raise them. Have fun with this shitty life." She scoffs, turning on her heel and walking away.

"Where you going now?" Ellie asks as Willow scoops up her cards and family albums. The club members are trading garbage bags and beers, joking as they start to clean up the clubhouse.

"Home." Willow says, throwing the cards a little harder than necessary into a box. "Why the fuck are they even bothering to clean up?" She bursts suddenly. "There's no point, they'll just trash it tonight anyways!"

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