A Note from Bowser

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I'm anxious about how to approach this, but I guess I'll cut right to the chase.

My name is Bowser.

Yes, the supposedly evil and ruthless Bowser. The one who dreadfully kidnaps princesses. The one who causes havoc to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Everyone recognizes me as the abominable villain. No one will give me a second chance, no option to redeem myself.

I've already screwed up horrifically. But honestly, deeply, and truly I feel awful for what I've done. My actions transformed into a downwards spiral into darkness.

Now I'm lonely. Lost. Drifting away into a slow, but strong black hole. Just waiting for life to end, almost as if it has no purpose anymore.

But I have I story. If you care to listen to it, stay. It's a narrative of tragedy and hope, one that explores the highest and lowest points in my life.

It's an interesting tale, really. So just listen to my story.

The Untold Story of a Not-So-Bad Bowser.

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