"What the hell do think you're doing?" Daryl says walking to the window.

"Getting out of here." I say smirking.

"Come on guys." He says to Carl and Michonne.

They line up behind him ready to leave this weak house. Daryl gets up with no trouble. Suprise, suprise. Carl and Michonne follow behind.

"Why did you want to come to the roof?" Carl asks.

"I don't know, to do this." I say jumping off the roof.

I plummet to the hard dirt ground but still on my feet. The roof was at least, 15 feet.

"Coming?" I ask Daryl, Carl and Michonne.

"Are you crazy?" Daryl says giving me a glare.

I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk away. I would look back occasionally at times. I looked back and seen Carl jump down. Again, Suprise, suprise. He quickly caught up to my pace.

"I can't let you go alone." Carl says putting his and on my shoulder.

"Thanks," I say and look at Daryl raising my eyebrow.

"She's a catch, I like her." Michonne says to Deryl, then jumping down.

I cross my arms with Carl and Michonne by my side and carefully stare at Deryl. He still gives me a glare. The usual. He rolls his eyes and jumps down.

"You're lucky I like you kid." Daryl says.

I smirk and turn around to lead them back to the woods.

"Can we part ways? Daryl, go with Michonne and I'll go with Bri." Carl insists.

Deryl snickers knowing his game. Michonne smiles and laughs a little.

"That sounds like a great idea." I say, gripping the straps of my back pack while smiling at Michonne and Deryl.

"Suit yourself. See you in a bit." Daryl says winking and walking away.

I turn around and see how lovestuck Carl was. It wasn't that much of an age gap between us. Same with Deryl and I.

"Ready?" I ask Carl, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah! More than ready." He says.

I start scrambling through the woods. Trying to find a plot of new land.

"Come on this way." I say pointing at the tree. I start to climb up the tree fast and sit on a thick branch. Carl quickly catchs up with me.

"Your insane. I love it so free, and you don't care." Carl says looking straight into my eyes.

"Thanks. I guess that's just me. I have lost a lot so I'm ready to fight." I say proud and strong.

"I just love your confidence." He replies.

"Your sweet. So, I wanna get to know more about you." I say.

"What do you want to know?" He asks so, into it.

"I'm not sure, who's Carl? Tell me about, family becoming awesome during an a Zombie Apocalypse." I say.

"Well, at first I was convinced that my own father was dead yeah, my family is kinda a blur now, and I was very shy and closed off.
The awesomeness comes naturally" he says laughing.

I laugh along with him. It's hard to find that sense of humor now a days. I'm stuck with emotionless Daryl.

"That's cool. I know it must of been hard dealing with walkers when your so young." I ask.

"That's the thing. I'm not nessisarly a kid anymore. I know how to fight but, I still get protected by Daryl and stuff." He says.

"I imagine. If I were in his position I would protect you like you were gold." I say winking.

"Yeah me too. I'm just sick of always being so scared on the inside this could be my death, that bullet saved my life."

"Look, I hate to bring this up since your the most awesome teen I met, but I couldn't help but notice you like me." I say smiling.

"Was it that obvious? But, I'm not gonna deny it. To me you were everything I was looking for."

"Yeah a little obvious, and that's totally okay. I like how you're not gonna lie. It's cool. I'm flattered really but, I don't know." I say looking down.

"I thought you would hate me forever. I'm relieved you took it good. I want one thing to be accomplished you know, I don't know how long I will survive so I want one thing done if your up for it.

"What is it?" I ask.

"My first kiss." He says quietly.

"Okay, you want a kiss from me? A kiss or like makeout?" I ask laughing.

"Makeout." He says shyly and blushing.

"Okay, come here." I say leaning in taking no regrets.

I figured that he made a point. We don't know how long were gonna live so might as well kiss.

He leans in closing his eyes. I do the same. Our lips connect and lock. It was passionate for him so he could enjoy it. We pull away after a while.

"Better?" I ask.

"Better." He says smiling.

Life In Seconds | Daryl Dixion  ✓Where stories live. Discover now