Goodbye {Sadstuck}

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Uh... Trigger warning. Yeah. #resists urge to Kankri
Song is Goodbye by Circus-P ft. Hatsune Miku
Also, this is my first time writing sadstuck but you know what I've written a crap ton of depressing kagepro one-shots so-

When I was little, I was taught that the world wasn't my story.

Dave sighed. His bro had forgotten his birthday... Again. Jade and John had been the only two people to wish him happy birthday, since even Rose had been too busy with other things. He should've known, of course. Why should his bro take time out of his busy schedule just for his 9th birthday? It didn't really matter. He wasn't important enough.

All the tears I will cry, wouldn't even make up a sea.

He shouldn't cry. John was his best friend. Just because he'd taken a little longer to reply than usual didn't mean he hated him. He should remember what his bro always said. "Striders don't cry, Dave. They face their fears and hide their emotions." It was good advice.

Tell me how I'll be found, let it be known. Tell me who will become still when I am shown.

[ectoBiologist has begun pestering turntechGodhead]
EB: dave! are you okay? rose said you weren't at school today
EB: dave?
EB: are you there buddy?
EB: i guess not, huh...
EB: bye! see you later bud.
[ectoBiologist has ceased pestering turntechGodhead]

[turntechGodhead has begun pestering ectoBiologist]
TG: goodbye john
TG: i love you, bro
TG: tell have jade I'm sorry
[turntechGodhead has ceased pestering ectoBiologist]

And I'll be forgotten in time
no matter how hard I try
I'll be a wasted life
So this is my goodbye
Wake me when I
have the courage to die
Cause I'm too scared to try
I am a wasted life
So this is my gosighed

He sighed as he grabbed the razor and brought it toward his leg. Was he really going to do this? What if someone from school found out? Sure, he was only going to cut his leg so he could still wear short sleeved shirts, but still. What if Dirk found out? He'd probably be mad at him. Oh well. Who even cared anymore?

I never wanted fame
Cause when we are dead it's all the same
Human mortality is a test on our memory

The dead Daves just kept piling up. No matter how hard he tried, be always messed up the timeline. He wished he could just end it all. But of course, there were people depending on him... Weren't there?

Let me know when I'll go
Will I be loved
Will someone care I'm not there
Am I enough

The first Dave to kill himself had only been in the medium for a day when all the others died. All the others hadn't made it. He'd been completely alone after only 24 hours. He stabbed himself right next to John's corpse.

And I'll be forgotten in time
no matter how hard I try
I'll be a wasted life
So this is my goodbye
Wake me when I
have the courage to die
Cause I'm too scared to try
I am a wasted life
So this is my goodbye

Dave sighed. He didn't know how much longer he could live without out his best friend and the girl he was in love with. He knew they might miss him, deep down, but he didn't really care. All he wanted was to die. "So, this is finally my goodbye."

So this is my goodbye

I'll stop hoping stop wishing
stop singing stop living
Stop, I'll stop

He grabbed a rope and stared at it. He'd taken off his god tier, hoping that would allow him to die for real.

I'll stop moving stop breathing
Stop thinking stop living
Stop, Just stop

Grabbing his phone, he decided to text John one last time, even if he wouldn't get it until the others reached the new session.
[turntechGodhead began pestering ectoBiologist]
TG: hey, john.
TG: i know you won't see this until later.
TG: but... goodbye.
TG: i'm sorry for being so useless.
TG: i love you and jade
TG: but, I'm pretty much just a wasted life, so,
TG: this is my goodbye.
[turntechGodhead has ceased pestering ectoBiologist]

And I'll be forgotten in time
no matter how hard I try
I'll be a wasted life
So this is my goodbye
Wake me when I
have the courage to die
Cause I'm too scared to try
I am a wasted life
So this is my goodbye

John was super excited when he saw the meteor arriving. He'd finally get to see Dave and Rose again!
But, wait, where was Dave?
Suddenly, his phone buzzed.
Someone had pestered him?

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