Kagerou DAY

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It was August 14.
The girl had set out her outfit the night before in preparation. A Homestuck mind hoodie. A chibi Hatsune Miku T-shirt. Jeans, one leg rolled up. Broken headphones to wear around her neck and pretend to listen to.

For... It was the day of her people.

As with other school days, she had to wake up at 5:30 AM, because she's Mormon, yo. But unlike other school days, her older sister had allowed her to wake her up at the same time. It was beautiful. She spent the entire class making stupid jokes and references because she freaking could, because it was Kagerou Day.

She listened Kagerou Project all during school, because she was homeschooled, so she freaking could. She drew Kagerou Project fanart for Art class. She changed her home screen and lock screen to pictures of the Mekakushi Dan. She read the Kagerou Days manga. She her sister with song lyrics. And, eventually, she decided to write a very stupid "chapter" for her wattpad "book" going over the details of her day so far.

She knew she would later go to dinner with her family, because her grandmother was visiting. She also knew she would order Coca Cola, and, with no regrets whatsoever, quote the words,"May Soda Be Eternal" when it arrived.

She planned on having a couple non-kagepro fans spend the night. She also planned on welcoming them to her womb upon their arrival. She even considered making them watch Mekakucity Actors, but then remembered that it is trash.

She eventually decided that rather than continue referring to herself in the first person and writing a stupid monologue about her Kagerou Day, she would work on her actual August 14/15 short story.

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