"Okay. Have fun, but not too much!"


I ditched detention and headed straight to Derek's. It took me half an hour to get there, and once I did, I saw a sexy, black Camaro.

"Damn, Derek! You got one good lookin' car!" I said, speaking to thin air. I knew he heard me though, because I heard him laugh.

"Why thankyou, now please come in so I'm not talking to myself," I heard him say.

"But I'm admiring your sexy car," I whined.

Derek P.O.V

"But I'm admiring your sexy car," I heard her whine outside. I smirked, knowing how to get her inside.

"Well, I guess I'll just stand here. All alone. Shirtless. Covered in water," I said.

A couple seconds later I heard her run through the front door.

"Damn," I heard her whisper. I turned around and flashed my eyes blue at what she was wearing. It accented her curves perfectly and it matched her character perfectly. (Outfit at the top) She looked at me and giggled, clearly seeing my blue eyes. She closed her eyes and when she opened them, they were the golden eyes but there was something wrong with them. They had a ring of red on the outside, and a ring of blue on the inside. The red and blue were thin strips but were clearly visible.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked, panic flashing across her face.

"Your eyes. They're... strange, to say the least. You have two small strips of red and blue outlining the gold." I explained. She sighed.

"I saw that before, but it went away. I figured I was just imagining things. What does it mean?"

I shook my head, slightly scared of what it could mean.

"C'mon. You wanna go for a drive in my sexy car?" I asked her, smirking slightly.

"Can I drive?" She asked, a hopeful glint in her eyes. I sighed and handed her the keys. She squealed and started jumping around. Suddenly she jumped on me and hugged me. I held her butt to make sure she didn't fall as her arms and legs were wrapped around me. I brought her chin up and placed my lips on hers. She kissed me back forcefully, so I pulled back. She looked disappointed so I started nibbling on her earlobe. She moaned extra load and started blushing. I then whispered in her ear.

"We can do that loads in the future."


"Okay, just pull into the gas station. You can run in and a snack and I'll pump the gas, okay?" She nodded.

"You want anything?"

"Yeah, can you grab me a monster and some Reeses peanut butter cups?"

"YEah of course." She kissed my cheek and walked off. I noticed her hips were swaying slightly more than usual. I watched as she turned around and winked, making me grin. As I was pumping the gas, a red truck pulled up, along with some others.

"Ze? Stay in the store until I say, okay?" I said, knowing she could hear me.

"Okay, just be careful. That's Allison's dad."

"Nice car. It's black though. Black cars are very hard to maintain. And you, could use a little maintenance," I heard Chris say. He picked up the squidgy and washed my windscreen.

"There. Now you can see through your windscreen. I always find it makes things clearer," he said walking away. I decided to be cocky and show him I'm not scared of him.

"You forget to check the oil."

"Derek, you absolute tool," I heard McKenzie say from inside.

"You heard him. Check the mans oil!"

One of the other hunters came over and smashed my passenger window. They drove away.

"Ze? You can come out now," I said. She came running over to me and grabbed my face in her hands, checking for any injuries. I grinned as she ran over to the car. She saw the smashed window and her eyes changed. I saw her palm dripping blood and I knew she was almost fully shifted.

"Wow. You grow angry over the fact that someone smashed my window?"

"It's a very expensive car?! How are you not freaking out?" She asked me.

"It's cheap to replace," I said shrugging. She sighed and got in the drivers seat.

"Getting in or what?" She asked me. I walked over to the drivers seat, picked her up, got in and sat her inbetween my legs.

"You are tiny," I said, kissing the top of her head.

"I know. I'm proud of my height though. Anyways, where  too?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I'll drive."


Hey Guys and Gals! Thankyou so much for 125 reads! I'm getting at least 5 reads a day and I am super happy with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!!!!!!!! Make sure to comment, vote and share this story. We are currently on episode 3, just incase anyone was confused. At the start of a new episode, I'll put the episode number aswell. This was a little more of McKenzie and Derek. Oh! I need a cute ship name for them. I'll probs put some Scallison in the next chapter. Until then!

     ~ Jupiter


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