The blonde rushed to the front counter and waited for an available nurse to get to her. 

"How can I help you today?" a tall red-headed woman asked with a polite smile on her face.

"My boyfriend," Naomi gasped, out of breath from running. "Kian Reid."

"One moment," the nurse replied and began typing at the computer. She looked up with worry in her eyes. "He's in critical care. He's not allowed visitors at the moment. But you can take a seat. Unfortunately, we can't disclose any information unless you are family or next of kin."

"His mum and little sister are driving in from out of town. They should be here within the next hour."

"We can talk with them and discuss options as well as potentially visiting him. But for now, there's not a whole lot we can do for you. I'm sorry," the nurse explained politely. 

"Okay. Thanks," Naomi replied, feeling defeated. 

She made her way to the waiting area and sat down. She picked at the loose thread that hung off the bottom of her borrowed shirt. She felt guilty. Her eyes stung with tears. She had hurt Kian and he somehow ended up in the hospital. In critical condition. And Ali said he might not make it. Ali. She remembered she had to call Ali. 

She gingerly pulled her phone from her pocket and pulled up her call log, tapping on Ali's name. 

"Hey Ali, I just got to Southmead," Naomi sighed, putting her face in her free hand. 

"We're almost there. Maybe another twenty minutes. Have you seen him?" Ali asked eagerly. 

"No... no, they won't let me see him because I'm not family. I have to wait until you get here."

Ali took a deep breath. "Okay."

"Did they tell you what happened?" Naomi felt small. She felt like throwing up. 

"No, just that he was there," Ali answered. 

"Okay. Well I'll be in the waiting room when you get here. Be safe."

"I will. We'll be there soon," Ali said before ending the call. 

Naomi hated feeling this way. She knew it was her fault. She knew he probably hated her. 


Ali and Deb, Kian's mum, arrived soon after. Naomi stood as soon as she saw them and Ali ran into Naomi's arms while crying. She hadn't seen the girl for a few months, and they were both upset that they had to meet again under these circumstances. Deb walked over and rubbed her hand along her daughter's back soothingly. 

"I'm gonna go talk to a nurse," Deb spoke up before walking towards the front desk.  

"He's going to be okay," Naomi tried to console the seventeen year old in her arms. She desperately wanted to believe he'd be okay. 

Deb returned and told the girls that they were allowed to see him. The same nurse from before was waiting to take them back to his room. 

The three women walked silently to the lift that took them to the 5th floor. As they arrived to his room, 521, she disclosed that he was unconscious and that he was pretty beat up. Naomi took a deep breath before she entered the room behind Ali and Deb. 

Kian was lying in the hospital bed with his eyes closed, mouth slightly open, and wires attached to him. His head was bandaged and gauze was wrapped around his skull to keep it in place. He also had a black eye and a split lip. Any other injury he had was covered by the blanket that was pulled up to his chest. There was a faint beeping coming from the machine that was monitoring his heartbeat. 

I'm Sinking Like a Stone in the Sea // NaomilyWhere stories live. Discover now