To Do

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-drink water and drown your sorrow in the tub where you found the body of your sister, red

 -put your head in between your knees and breathe, in out in out, as the drugs rush through your veins

-laugh when he touches you, cry when he leaves

-rip all of the pictures off of the walls, smash them, use the glass to cut your skin and paint new pictures in blood

-forget them, forget yourself

 -write a note to your sister telling her all of the reasons you miss her and all of the reasons you hate her for leaving you behind

 -cut off your hair and make bracelets from it so they can identify your body

 -drive the car 9 miles over the speed limit in hopes that a cop may stop you before you reach your destination

 -turn left down a dirt road that leads to somewhere nobody has been in years

 -listen to the leaves rustle and the pills rattle in the bottle you stole from your mother’s bathroom cupboard

 -hope your mother doesn’t cry too hard at your funeral

 -beg God to forgive you as you swallow the pills, 3 handfuls with a bottle of water

 -leave the car running and listen to the radio, a song your sister used to like playing as you fall asleep, already feeling your heart hiccup under the pressure of the drugs

 -sleep forever, don’t dream, let your body rot when the car runs out of electricity and people search everywhere for you with dogs

 -smile because you made it out

 -cry because you’re all alone now





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