Chapter 4

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     "I love bad bitches that's my fucking problem....bring yo girls to the crib maybe we can solve it!" I randomly rapped to "Fuckin' Problem" while making myself a drink, throwing random booze into my red cup.

     "Aye Mami!" Shyanne shouted as she slapped my butt, popping out of absolutely nowhere.

    "Hey babe! Where ya been, I haven't seen you all night, where's Josh?" I asked, partially concerned with  my bestfriend's whereabouts. 

     "Fuck Josh! I'm here to partay, I'll deal with him later! And he better not say not a thing to me because I saw this girl backing her ass up on him like her STD was gonna kill her tomorrow!" She replied with a hiss of her teeth and a roll of her eyes, obviously drunk and extremely jealous.

     "Yeah ok, whatever you say Shyanne!" I muttered nonchalantly, still occupied with adding the finishing touches to my ultimate drink.

     "Sashi what the hell are you making! I’m trying to tell you my feelings and you’re just ignoring me!" she whined, obviously exasperated with my absence.

       “I’m in the middle of a masterpiece, duhh,” I replied arrogantly while pointing to my drink, “And besides, we’re at the biggest party of the year with tons of hot guys and luckily, I just finished my work so here,” I poured half of my drink into a solo cup and passed it to her, “Drink up my little biatch!” I exclaimed. “1, 2, 3, GO!” And with that, we downed our drinks in one gulp and got back to business.


“Sasha, Sasha, Sasha, Sasha!” All I heard was the sound of guys chanting my name as I climbed up to the pole on the dance floor’s stage. They wanted me to dance and that’s exactly what I planned on doing. As I climbed up and down the pole shakin’ what the Queen Bey herself gave me, Shyanne climbed up along with me. We were grinding seductively, moving our bodies together and the boys were going crazy. I could've sworn each and every one of their eyes glistened with lust at the sight of us. The attention was intoxicating and I felt so powerful, nothing could pull me down. “Come on Sash, let’s go upstairs!” Shyanne yelled, obviously trying to make the boys think we were going to something we weren't gonna do.  "Yeah BABE, let's go!" I said, playing along with her little game. As we walked off the stage Shy slapped my ass, causing me to squeal in surprise. What is wrong with this girl and my ass tonight. And just to top it off for the boys, in my seductive femme fatale voice I drawled, "No babe, let's save it for the bedroom." After that was said Shyanne and I strutted upstairs leaving behind the wild, horny, and howling boys.

    As soon as we got upstairs, we exploded with laughter! We were literally choking and coughing; it took us about 5 minutes to calm down and when we did we just continued down the hall until we found an empty bedroom.

 "That was awesome Sashi, you were great!" Shyanne squealed. "Yeah i Kn--"

"And did you see the look on their faces? Omg, I swear they wanted the P! ANYway, the boys are crazy for me right now, so i'm going to go back downstairs! BYEEE!" She shouted and skimpered away before I got to even finish my sentence.

    Man, sometimes I really don't understand her, but she has ADHD, so what can I expect. Since I was in a room with a mirror perfectly intact, I decided I would just fix my hair and lippy, then maybe I could check my phone for messages and stuff. So as I reached in my purse for my brush and lip gloss, I heard the room door open then close. On instinct, I turned around to see who came in, only to reveal the devil himself.Matt. Of course.    

"Aww! There you are Sasha baby.." He said as he made his way slowly over to me.

And for a second and a second only, I saw the glint in his eyes. That same glint filled with lust and mischeif. The moonlight from the window reflected off of the side of his face, making his creamy skin glisten in the dimly lit room. His shoulders broad and strong, his head titled ever-so-slightly.

And for a wavering second, I was frightened by this boy standing in front of me, who I'd willingly give my body to without a second thought. But I was ready, and there was nothing stopping me from winning this game.

Nothing at all.


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