Chapter 6

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When Niall's story was finished his face was so red I could practically feel the heat radiating off it. He sifted uncomfortably and tugged at his pajama pants again, making sure everything was adequately hidden.

"So yeah," he coughed awkwardly. "That's about it."

"You don't have to be embarrassed," I hugged my knees to my chest and gave him a small smile. "I thought it was sweet."

"I can't believe you don't find it weird," he murmured. "That this is what my mind came up with."

I just shrugged, "I've never really had anyone care for me that much and I like that you do, even though it's not real. I don't know, I just find it nice."

He gave me an intoxicating smile, "I'll always care about you."

"Thanks Niall," I was about to lean over and give him a light kiss on the cheek when Dr. Morgan popped his head in.

"Oh hello Annie," he looked surprised to see me. "How are you?"

"Good thanks," I got up and straightened my shorts. "You?"

"I'm good thank you," he entered the room as he checked the clipboard in his hands. "I need to speak with Niall for a bit, visiting hours are over."

"Oh yeah, of course." I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, giving the blue eyed stunner a quick wave. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye," he muttered glumly.

I stopped in the doorway, "Actually Dr. Morgan can I talk to you in the hall for a second?"

He didn't look thrilled by the idea and I knew he knew exactly what I wanted to ask. "Fine, just briefly. Niall and I have a lot to go over."

"It'll be short," I gave Niall one last smile before leaning up against the wall and crossing my arms over my chest. Dr. Morgan closed the door with a sigh and raised an eyebrow at me. "Well?" I demanded. "Can he come live with me or not?"

"Annie it's sweet that you care, but you don't know him. I can't just release him to a stranger."

"Ask him if I'm a stranger. He'll say no." I pouted. I didn't like leaving him in here; I could see that he hated it. I had approached Dr. Morgan on the first day to ask if Niall could be released in my care once they had done everything they could for him but the doctor flat out said no. I wasn't giving up though.

"Have any friends or family called for him?" I crossed my fingers.

"No," the doctor flipped lazily through a few pages on his clipboard as I felt the hope sag in my chest. I was curious as to who the boy really was.

"I promised I would take him to New Jersey," I suddenly blurted. I don't know what made me say that.

Dr. Morgan gave me a strange look. If he wasn't so young, I probably wouldn't have talked to him the way I did. But he was and I saw him as a peer, not a superior. "And?"

"And I want to do it," I spoke confidently. "Tomorrow."

"You can't take him out of the psych ward for a day trip Annie," he practically rolled his eyes at me. "He's staying here."

"Oh come on, have a heart. We can pop him in a wheelchair, it will be fine."

Dr. Morgan's gaze was cold when it met mine, "You can't have a heart in this business. Look I'm sorry, but the kid stays here for as long as it takes. And don't even think about sneaking him out. Good day Annie."

The doctor turned on his heel and stalked into Niall's room, leaving me to stand there and curse at his retreating back.


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