"Fine" I said and got in the passenger seat of her car.

"Thank you" she said as she got in the driver seat

"You don't have to thank me for letting you drive" I laughed and she ignored it

Once arrived she took us to the back, the security guards know Madi and so we parked in the back.

"Madi can I just tell you something quick" I said opening the door for her.

"Sure Justin" she said and stood in front of me.

"I know we are just going to go in there and I'm gonna stand there and watch you flirt with some guys, but don't forget about me okay?" I asked


"I know we are just going to go in there and I'm gonna stand there and watch you flirt with some guys, but don't forget about me okay?" Justin asked

"Okay Justin" I smiled and laughed

We went in through the back cause the security guards know me so they just let me and Justin by.

I ran inside to excited to surprise them.

I just wanna be in Luke's arms again and hug him.

I smiled at the thought of Luke's face.

Justin followed behind me as I almost ran to find the boys. I could hear they just finished a song and the crowd they would be back so obviously they are back stage.

As I was running I could see the guys, but the one thing I didn't want to see... Was what I saw.

I stopped dead in my tracks almost falling foreword cause I was running so fast.

I stared at the sickening sight now even blinking at what was happening.

"Oh Madi, I'm so sorry" Justin said coming up to me as he saw what I saw.

I stood there for a minute at the sight of Luke making out with a girl half way about to have sex with her, but what do I blame him she is way prettier than me anyway.

Justin put his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to watch this" he said after I stared at them for like two minutes straight

I turned around and looked at Justin and cried.

"No no no Madi please don't cry" he said. I just shoved my face into his shirt and cried.

|| Justin ||

While Madi was soaking my shirt I was pissed at Luke. Madi was really excited to be here and that tore her heart to pieces and I know it.

I'm not a big fan of the 5sos band to begin with so I very much don't like them at all.

One of the other band member I think his name is Ashton saw that I was holding Madi and she was crying and realized she saw Luke at that girl basically eating each other.

I watched Ashton walk over to Luke and try to get his attention but couldn't so he shoved the girl out of the way. I watched Luke yell at Ashton and Ashton yelled back at Luke two times more mad, he said something a pointed me and Madi's way.

Ashton took a step back. And Luke took to many steps forward, so I shook my head telling him to stop coming forward, which he did stop.

Madi turned around and Stared at Luke.

"Madi" he said

With that she buried her face back into my shirt.

"Do you wanna leave Madi" I asked

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