Chapter Two

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Major and I have been friends since before I can remember. He's been there for me through thick and thin. He stuck by me throughout everything, my parents getting divorced, my ex-boyfriend cheating on me, a pregnancy scare, nearly killing myself and what got me here, cocaine.

So, let's start from the beginning I guess. When I was four, my family moved from London, England to the sunny California. We moved into a house next to a nice Californian couple with two kids, a girl and a boy. The boy was the same age as me and the girl was a newborn so the boy and I started to play together. This boy's name was always Major for as long as I can remember, I don't even know his first name!

How did he get the nickname Major you ask? Well his grandfather was in the Military and his grandfather always used to call him Major. He was very close to his grandfather and when he passed away, the name stuck.

Anyways, Major and I grew up together. We were Stella and Major, the epitome of trouble. From pranking to scamming, we've done it. I knew it wasn't good but I did it anyways.

This all started with my parents, really.
They had started fighting more and more, I got so sick of it that I was basically living at Majors house.

I knew they were going to get divorced, I just thought they would wait, for me. But no, they say me down and told me that they were getting divorced. My first question was who I would be living with. They said that I will live in the house with mum spend weekends with dad. Yeah, right! Dad was always too busy working to spend time with me.

That night, I laid awake in my bed, listening to the distant sound of traffic. Things were changing and I was left behind. I couldn't sleep so I called Major.

"Hello?" He answered in a sleepy voice.

"Hi. Can you meet me at the beach in like 20 minutes? It's an emergency." I answered then hung up before he could ask further questions.

I remember feeling like I wasn't even living this, that I was watching a movie. So, I went down to the beach and sat down, dipping my toes in the freezing cold water. It swallowed my feet then spit it out again and again and again. I waited and waited until Major came and joined me. He was tall, athletic and a cliché son of a bitch over all. "What's up?"

"My parents are getting divorced." He just sat next to me and let me cry.

I cried every night after that for the next two years.

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