Chapter Eleven - In Which Andrea Makes a Total Fool of Herself

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Have you ever had one of those mornings where you think if you sleep in long enough, you won't have to do anything?

Andrea was having one of those mornings. In fact, she nearly wore a tank top.  It was 19 degress out! So she decided to stay in her pajamas.  And decided to invite Trina over.

When Trina arrived, Andrea felt extremely tired. Trina didn't talk much. And when she did, she sometimes sounded depressing. But today was different.

Trina had the passion of a million suns.

"ANDREA!" Was the first word screamed as Trina leaped through the door and launched herself at Andrea.

"GAH!" Andrea replied.



"GUESS!" Trina shouted back. Honestly, Andrea thought. I'm gonna get a sore throat.


"KYLE BROKE UP WITH MOLLY!" Trina gasped. "D'ya have any coffee?"

'Um, duh."

"Oh, yes, I forget, my coffee-addicted friend."

Andrea rolled her eyes and Trina got up and walked over to the kitchen. Then the shock was registered.


"Jesus, girl," Trina explained, stirring milk into her coffee. "I already said that."


"You're weird."

'I DON'T CAAAAAAARE!!" Andrea sat down at the table.

"Where's your grandmother?" Trina asked , taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh, she went to some speech/lecture thingy downtown with my dad."

"I wish I had as much freedom as you."

"Well, you shouldn't have tried running away...or, driving away two years ago." Andrea recalled when Trina tried to drive her parent's Toyota to Canada. It was hilarious, in the least.

"Haha, very funny." Trina took another huge sip.

"Yup, I'm the next Ellen." Andrea smiled, charmingly.

"Ok. This stuff tastes like sh*t." Trina dumped the remaining contents of the mug ion the sink. "Let's go to Starbucks."

'That was Starbucks coffee you drank, you know."

"It always tastes better when I'm there. Come on, maybe Drew will be there." Trina said, refferring to her boyfriend who worked at the shop. Andrea looked at her friend's clothes: one of those shawl-like tops, leggings, and heels, that Andrea would probably become jumbled, klutzy mess in.

"Nah." Andrea sat down, feeling quite gross and wondering if the comforter on her bed upstairs was still warm.

Later, Trina had been sent to go pick up coffee while Andrea watched the shop. Andrea did nothing but resort books, get Mrs. Linger's order, and wait. A regular at the shop, Taylor, (probably the same age as Jasmine and Harper, but different in every way) came in and made Andrea smiled, not only because she was hilarious and with her hilarious friend, but also because she reminded Andrea a little bit like herself.

"You  already finished the other books?" Andrea asked, scanning a copy of The Clockwork Prince for Taylor.

"Oh, you bet." Taylor nodded.

When Taylor and her friend left, Andrea decided to read Clockwork Angel. She'd never liked the City of Bones, but this was much better. She was lost in the plot by the time somebody said, "Hello?"

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