Chapter Nine - Esmerelda and Ambrose

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Andrea was afriad.


Adjective Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened. Worried that something undesirable will occur or be done: "she was afraid of antagonizing him".   Synonyms frightened - scared - fearful - apprehensive

So, of course, Andrea wished that she had been more insightful to put on more deoderant this more because she knew she was probably stinking like a bag of rotting onions, and that is was the two middle-school aged girls that were striking such fear into her.

And then there was the chick who looked a lot like Jamie. Andrea never knew Jamie had a twin. Heck, she didn't even know that Jamie had siblings. She felt shivers go up her spine as the cat, all fat, fat, fat, (It probably wasn't fat, Andrea's science-y part of the brain told her. It was fur.) and rubbing against herr leg and purring like crazy.

Not improving the mood, Garfield.

Sitting on the sofa, facing the two girls. They stared. Andrea stared. The cat meowed.

"So..." The shorter one with the- crap. The twins hair was the same length. They both wore jeans. The difference was a hoodie and a sweater. The shorter one with the sweater spoke.

"So..." Andrea repeated.

"What's your name?" The one with her blonde-brown hair in a ponytail asked. That was Hoodie.

"Andrea. What's yours?"

"I'm Jasmine." The girl with the sweater and her hair down announced. "You can call me Jaz if you want."

"And I'm Harper." The ponytail-hoodie one smiled. Then she looked down at her laptop.

The oldest girl, the one who was the female equivalent of Jamie, walked into the room, carrying a banana between her teeth like a pirate carrying his sword. She tossed her head back, maple hair flying, as well as the banana, who had rocketed into the sky, and fell right into the welcome catch or the girl's nimble hand.  She peeled it and smiled at Andrea, who was still quite shocked of twin features. Well, there was the separtion between boy and girl, personality and personality, but still.

"So, are you guys...identical or something?" Andrea folded her hands on her lap."I'm Andrea."

"Autumn's the name. Fraternal." Autumn wrinkled her nose. "Don't worry, you're not the first person to make that mistake. Sad, huh?"

"Sure. Sure." Andrea nodded and looked at Jasmine, who was perched straight up, head cocked to one side.

"Shh. I hear....something..." Her pointy-feautured face paled. "Oh no."




There was a skittering from upstairs. Then a fat weiner dog scrambled downstrairs, flying, clawing at the air with nonexistent talons. It was comical.

"Noo!" Shrieked Autumn. Jasmine-or Harper- lept forward at the base of the stairs and muttered something as the dog slammed into her.

"He's not too graceful, isn't he?" Harper said, sitting patiently on the floor as Jasmine returned with the dog.

"This is Ambrose. He's technically Jamie's, but that just sounds way too 'humans rule everything', right?" Jasmine made cooing sounds to the dog and stroked its ears, and a content look made its way to the face of the canine.

"And Esmerelda's properly mine, but I agree with Jasmine." Autumn smiled.

"Who's Esmerelda?" Andrea asked.

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