Chapter Five- Frog Turds and Stubborn Locker Locks

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Andrea definitely didn't like school. So then it was clear she definitely hated, with a capital everything, dissecting small animals in biology. The perky teacher, Mr. Tikas, constantly hovering over student shoulders, shouting "Careful! Careful! Careful!" so darn loud Andrea often wanted to turn around and whip the animal's intestines into his face.

After jamming the binders into the bag, and grabbed Felicity by the sleeve of her loose gray cardigan with those weird leather circles around the elbows. Felicity, with curly blond hair and dark brown eyes and a very pointy nose.

As a joke, Trina used to put her finger on Felicity’s nose and go, “Ow!”

“Felicity. Why is there only five people in our class today?” She asked.

“Um…well, lots of snow today, everybody thought it would be a snow day, so yeah.” Felicity smiled. Both of her parents were TV reporters.

“Anyways.” Andrea cleared her throat, watching a teacher with a simply beautiful cup of coffee in a mug that declared: I was so behind I thought I was FIRST! in hand.

Two other girls, Julianne and Rachel, in the sophomore class, walked past Andrea and Felicity. “You better get to class. Don’t wanna be late.” Rachel told Felicity, patronizingly. Felicity thanked her in a very rude way when Rachel looked away (involving a certain finger) and sighed.

“As much as they annoy me, those guys are right. See you!” And Felicity scurried off.

Andrea was standing at a dissection table, ten minutes later, with a strawberry-blonde girl named Nina and a smug boy named Evan, who just looked smart (or maybe that was because he resembled Harry Potter, it was extremely unclear to Andrea), was staring at the dead limp frog on the tray from a stack of trays Mr. Tikas had been handing out.

Evan took charge immediately. “Well, Nina, since you look really….grossed out,”

Nina nodded, hugging her stomach and turning very green.

 “You can start sanitizing the pins and the tools while I read the instruction booklet out loud.”

“And, I’ll….” Andrea pressed.

Evan gave her a demented glare. “Well, Ms. Impatient, you can get started on sanitizing our amphibian friend here.”

Andrea looked at the poor creature and slowly, with her gloved hands shaking, lifted up the rubbery corpse, and dropped it.

“S**t.” Andrea whispered.

Finally wetting a towel in the alcohol, Andrea wiped the frog with the stuff. After the pins and such were sanitized, Evan stabbed one of the pins into the frog’s arm.

Nina coughed, exceptionally loud.

“Oh, shut up.” Evan jabbed another pin in.

Nina made a whimpering noise, and Andrea was feeling quite sick herself.

“And, finally.” Evan jabbed the last two pins in.

“I’m going to make a cut, and then make another cut, forming an X, allowing me to get in easier. The first thing we have to get is….the heart.”

When Evan made the X with the cruel, sharp looking instrument, Nina fainted on the floor.

"Oh, for Chrissakes, I'll do this." Evan picked up Nina and shoved her rather aggressively into Andreas arms.

"Douchebag." Andrea muttered, just loudly enough for Evan to hear and scowl at her.

After getting Mr. Tikas to mumble permission to take Nina to the nurse's, (he was a little distracted, though, because a boy's finger had gotten stuck in the frog's intestines) but that was all Andrea needed. She swiftly left the classroom, not as swiftly, though, if she had not been holding Nina in her not-strong-enough arms.

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