Chapter 3

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~*~Flashback / filler~*~

"I don't wanna train any more! I'm too tired!" Kirai complained. Sensei sat on the grass in a clearing observing her. "You have to harness your power enough to protect yourself! Without the chakra coming from the beast inside you, you would be, could be, nothing! Keep going!"

Kirai suffered from intense training hours more. Her small fragile body was on the point of breaking. The sun began to set and Sensei allowed Kirai to rest for the day, as long as Sensei could be alone. Kirai limped down the path of flattened grass until she came to a meadow of flowers. Wanting to just collapse under her own weight in the dirt, she pushed on to the middle of the sea of little pink flowers and she flopped down onto her side.

She was about to fall asleep when she smelled something. She lifted her head up and looked around. At the edge of the meadow, a boy about her age looked around while a little tiny puppy on his head sniffed the air. The puppy barked and pointed its nose in her direction. The boy ran towards her. Too tired to care, she closed her eyes and exhaustion take over. She heard the grass rustle as he crouched down beside her face. "What are you doing here? This place is for Akamaru ad me. Huh?" The boy stared at her limp body. He felt her neck, but she had a pulse, and she was covered in sweat. He sat down next to her her and waited. Kirai opened one eye and stared up at him, catching his eye. She quickly shut her eye.

"Hey! I know you're awake!" Kirai sat up and crossed her arms, stubbornly looking away from the boy. The puppy on his head growled, and Kirai stuck her tounge out at it. "Hey, you can't act that way to Akamaru, not while I'm here!" The boy stood up and got in a fighting postion. Kirai stood up and glared at them. "At least I don't carry a flea bag on my head," Kirai teased. The dog jumped off his head towards Kirai and snagged its teeth into her arm. "Hey! Get off me, stupid furball!" The boy laughed and grabbed the dog, putting it back on his head. Kirai immediatly started to walk away. "See you later, Flea Boy!" She called out to him. He smiled after her.

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