First (Official) Day

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When I step out of the limo, people stared.

Maybe it was the fact Onii-chan was hanging onto my neck.

"Is that Tamaki-sama's girlfriend?!" "No, why?!" "Tamaki-samaaa!" "We'll just have to get her away from him!" Are the kinds of things that fill the air from the girl. I sigh, embarrassed.

"Onii-chan, you gotta let go!" I tell the blond hugging me. He shakes his head.


"Oniiiiiiiiiiiiiii-chaaaaaaaaaaaan!!" I whine, trying to pull him off. "I gotta go see Dad!!"

"But Kitty-chan!" Onii-chan whined right back. A bunch of the girls were sweatdropping, feeling silly for thinking I was his girlfriend probably. 

"Tamaki, get off of her." I look up to see Kyoya. 

"Hey, Kyo-senpai~!" I sing, tugging at Onii-chan's arms. "Can you get Onii-chan off me, please?"

Kyoya sighs and glares at Onii-chan. 

"Haruhi will get jealous if you keep holding onto her like that." He monotones, pushing his glasses up. Onii-chan lets go with a gasp and starts babbling about his 'dear, darling daughter'. 

"Thanks, Kyo-senpai, now I gotta go, bye~!" I dash off, not wanting to be caught by the overzealous blonde.

*Kyoya PoV*

My eyes unwillingly follow Kitty as she dashes off. She's a strange girl. First of all, who has pink hair and eyes? And Tamaki said his father adopted her, but Honey-senpai knew her? 

This is turning out to be one big mystery.

"Kyoya?" I turn to Tamaki, who has his serious face on. "You were watching Kitty-chan."

One of my eyebrows arches.

"And...?" Tamaki gets in my face.

"IF YOU THINK I'LL LET YOU HAVE MY BABY SISTER THAT EASILY, YOU ARE SORELY MISTAKEN!!" He yells at me. I sigh and push him away, fighting a blush.

"I'm not interested in her, so calm down."



There, take the chappie. I'm tired. It's one in the morning. This thing is only 305 words, but that's all you're getting for now. See ya later. (walks out door) Hey Kitty, do the disclaimer.

Kitty: Pocky doesn't own OHSHC or any other references she makes, only me! Bye~!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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