Chapter 1

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It's never easy to accept that someone you love isn't good for you. That their presence alone is damaging and harmful to you. That what you believed was their love for you was only their ice cold hatred.

It's been twenty years since I learned this.

Twenty years of him hunting me down because of it.

A metal trash can was knocked over and was rolling around a few meters behind me. I was almost at the train station, I can't have thm on my trail now, they'll figure out where I'm going.

"Watch your step!" A voice chuffed.

The blur dropped down in front of me when I turned away from the bin. It pushed me down off the path but my reflexes allowed for me to bounce back up after one tumble.

This gave me enough time to focus on my not so agile attacker. He was thin, pale and most obvious of all an innocent. In his early thirties, the man was probably hunted down and turned to join an immortal army.

I ran back up behind the man and pushed him forwards into an old and crumbling brick wall. The impact slowed him down for a moment, enough time to wrap my hands around his neck.

"He's ... still after y - you" he chocked, his beady red eyes glaring at me while he struggled underneath my grip.

"I'm more than aware of that " I hissed, spotting the red markings around his wrists, he must only be a recent recruit. I snapped his ne k like a dry twig and watched his form turn to dust and fall to the ground.

These wide back streets were completely abandoned so I felt safe enough to use my enhanced speed and get to the train station faster. I was going to miss my train if I walked at the speed of a mortal, no thanks to my earlier interruption, that was my first attack in three weeks.

The train station looked old and forgotten to say the least. Outer suburbs still don't get as much attention as the big cities even though they are far mors beautiful.

The howl of the train pulling into the underground station sent shivers down my spine but adrenaline to my body as the wind pushed past me. It made such an amazing mythological creature like sound for such a mortal invention.


I've spent too much time with him, I huffed and boarded the train.

After a few stops my appearance was starting to make me look very out of place, which was exactly what i didn't want to happen. I was wearing faded black jeans, black boots with a white singlet saying 'the time is now Brooklyn' even though I haven't had anything to do with the city in half a century.

Normally I would fit in just fine but the carrige was now full of high school students. It was starting get realy crowed so one of then had to sit next to me. His friends behind us were egging him on to talk to me, and so he did.

"This is going to sound like a typical, cheesy pick up line but it's not I swear. You don't look like your from around here"

I turned my head away slightly from the window but I could still look him straight in the eye. This guy had a freakishly open mind, I could read most of him straight away.

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