Chapter Fourteen: With or Without You

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"How did he plan a better party than me so fast?!" Whined Caroline as she and Bonnie entered the Lockwood mansion seeing all of the unknown guests, "Is that a band outside?"

"Who are all these people?" Bonnie questioned skeptically looking at all of the suspiciously unfamiliar faces.

Caroline scoffed, "This is weird! Where's Tyler?"

The blonde walked off just as her hybrid boyfriend began speaking to Stefan Salvatore.

"This is a nice party you got going on here" Complimented the compelled vampire.

The sired werewolf vampire hybrid nodded, "Thanks but I'm not the one throwing it, I'm just doing want Klaus wants"

The Salvatore frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It's not a party man" Tyler informed before he added, "it's a wake"

And with that, he turned towards the large stage as the band finished up and the crowd began clapping. Into the light, stepped the Original Hybrid himself dressed in a suit and tie, wearing a smirk.

"Good evening everyone! I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate" he announced, British accent clear and present as he searched the crowd and locked eyes with Stefan, "It's been a long time coming..."

Upon hearing the speech, an appalled Caroline Forbes raced to tell her friends Elena Gilbert and her ex Matt Donovan, only to find little surprise on their faces. Being the bold blonde she was, she called them out for it only to get a lame reply.

"I learned not to be surprised by anything Klaus does" Elena tried to reply lamely but saw the disbelief on her best friends face and quickly planned her escape, "I'm going to find Bonnie"

"What's going on?" The blonde asked Matt, "And what are you two doing here together? I thought you were supposed to be here with Rebekah"

In reality, Elena Gilbert had daggered Rebekah before the get together because she didn't want anyone risking their plans to kill Klaus.

"Plans changed, I need a drink" Matt retorted, quickly escaping as well.

Caroline sighed and rolled her eyes before walking away.

In the midst of the party, Niklaus Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore walked together side by side.

"Quite the homecoming" Stefan honored causing the blonde to smirk as they walked.

"I've been planning my father's funeral for a thousand years and granted were none of these people invited but you get the idea" The much older man replied slyly.

"What now? You stop running" The Salvatore boy asked curiously as they came to a stop.

Klaus turned towards him, "Now, I reunite my family"

"Right, you mean the people you cart around in caskets" Stefan said matter-of-factly.

Klaus dismissed it, "None of that matters anymore, Mikael's gone, bygones will be bygones"

They paused for a moment and Klaus's mind shot to the man's sister who he had yet to see or hear about. As much as he'd never admit it, he missed Evangeline dearly and would've loved to see her amongst the crowd, dressed for homecoming in a devilish red dress or an elegant blue. He needed her presence with him and his patience was wearing thin.

"Where is your sister?" He finally asked causing a clouded look to cross the brooding Salvatore's face.

"You killed her, remember?" He hissed lowly, narrowing his eyes at the man, "And for some reason, she's actually gone now"

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