The conversation turned to Stefan when he decided to speak up again. "Yeah, plus Mikael's smart, he would go after both of you, not just one at a time."

Elena sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "She just got over that whole creepy, magic fainting thing, guys. We still don't know what happened with that anyway. What if it happens again?" Stefan and Damon both looked at her skeptically and she sighed.

Damon took it as a good sign and started chipping away at Elena's firmly set resolve. "Your babying her, Elena." He said for what seemed like the tenth time that morning.

"She's like my little sister, Damon!" Elena fired back, and both brothers practically groaned. If this was anything like her relationship with baby Gilbert than this might take doing something they both hated to do. Compromise.

The two men exchanged glances and then Damon turned back to the irritated doppelgänger next to him. "Look, she doesn't even have to be in the room when we call, we just need to use her name in a fake story about a nonexistent attack." He tried to reason. "She can stay peacefully asleep in the guestroom upstairs where we moved her this morning. Now how is that dangerous?" When the Salvatore boys had finally gotten home early that morning they had found Maddie asleep on the couch with a blanket draped over her, and Rebekah no where in sight. So just to get her off of his couch, Damon had sped her to one of the 16 uninhabited bedrooms in the boarding house, the other three being used by him, his brother, and Rebekah.

After a long moment Elena reluctantly nodded. "Good, so he chances the girls in here, and with some of Maddie's magical help, we are able to vervain him." Stefan continued to work on the story in his mind and watched as both of them nodded again in approval. "And in the process we discovered that he had a dagger." Elena seemed to know where he was going with this so she jumped in.

"Which he planned on using on Rebekah but instead-"

"We drove it through his heart." The youngest Salvatore finished or her.


After Stefan had finished telling his long monotonous story to the hybrid, Klaus was steaming with rage. How dare he go after my doppelgänger! Was all he seemed to be processing. "I want to see him." He demanded, his voice was practically a growl. "I want to see his rotting body for myself!" Stefan didn't seem surprised by his request, it was what he had been hoping for after all. So instead of getting nervous he just shrugged and said.

"Well he's here." The vampire stood p and walked around Mikael's body, to Elena's side. "Come by whenever." He stuffed hand into his pocket casually, not bothered in the slightest by the body laying in front of him or the angry Original Hybrid on the phone with him.

"If your lying to me, Stefan, your compulsion will expose you." Klaus said as he stopped his pacing for a moment. Suddenly he was considering the fact that he might be telling the truth. He did know though, that with all Stefan knew about his past that it would be easy for him to lie about something like this. It would be simple to see the connection between all of this, how this could be one out of many plots they have formed up to kill him. "So answer with your life." He paused for a moment before asking. "Is what your saying the truth?"

Stefan thought back to an hour ago when Elena had sent the white oak ash covered dagger into Mikael's chest. The answer was easy. "Its true. I saw it with my own eyes."

Klaus soaked in what he was telling him and thought for a moment. The compulsion would keep him honest, yes, but for some reason he felt the need to get some confirmation. If what his friend was saying was in fact a plot then he knew that Elena and Damon would certainly know about it an know what was going on. Yesterday afternoon his sister had called him telling him what had happened in the caves with the witch, and then later confirmed in a text that everything had worked out alright. She had been faithful, so why not ask her? Then again, there was one more person involved in the story, and with Elena's track record, he thought it would be fair to say that she would try to avoid bringing her into this at all costs, but if it was in fact the truth than she should be able to not only confirm Mikael's death but repeat Stefan's tale with ease. So with a small smirk on his lips he said.

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