Maddie stayed silent, still facing the passenger car door. In turn Rebekah sighed, easily using the hand she had put on her sister's shoulder to turn her so the two were facing each other. She saw more tears had sprung into her sister's eyes and felt sadness tug at her heart. "Maddie..." she said softly, pity and sadness clear on her face as well as in her voice. Suddenly Rebekah lurched forward and wrapped the little blonde in a hug.

Up until then, Maddie had kept quiet other than the occasional sniffle or curse of frustration under her breath. Had she been crying? Yes, tears had been trickling down her cheeks, which she was sure had ensured that she looked like a wreck, but she had held the noise in. She had never been big on crying, and it seemed that she had done plenty of that lately. Now though, as Rebekah's arms encircled her it was like she suddenly broke. In that moment she let out her first sob and almost instinctually leaned into the hug. It felt familiar to her, safe even as she rested her forehead on the original's shoulder, her arms tucked up between them. In the back of her head the little voice of reason sang Safe in the arms of an Original vampire? You're even crazier than you thought.

She felt Rebekah's hand stroking her hair comfortingly and the voice faded away again as quickly as it had come as she let it all out. Suddenly she felt Rebekah shift and she moved one of her arms away from Maddie. The girl heard another 'click' and looked up when she felt the little warmth the undead body had radiated disappear. She blinked rapidly to try to clear her vision from the wall of tears, both shed and unshed, but she just saw an empty seat where Rebekah had been.

She heard the familiar sound of a door opening and felt the tendons of chilly night air start to slink into the car. Not a moment later she felt two arms wrap around her, picking her up, there was a whoosh of air before she found herself sitting on a couch in the living room of the Salvator building. She looked around, taking in a beautiful old home. Why is it every time I come here I'm intoxicated or emotionally unstable? She thought to herself before her gaze found the other Mikealson in the room. She opened her mouth to ask a question but Bekah simply shook her head, stopping her before she started. Then she shifted and pulled Maddie back into the earlier interrupted hug.

"Shh..." She muttered as Maddie in return simply hugged Rebekah wordlessly. There were less tears this time, which was a relief to both of the girls. Rebekah continued to coo to her baby sister, now knowing better than to press for questions. She made a silent promise to herself that she would get them though, just not now, she needed to find a better time.

They stayed like that for several minutes. Maddie taking comfort in Rebekah and Rebekah just trying her best to calm her sister down. Secretly though, the blonde original was growing more and more happy, content, despite the situation they were currently in. She knew that it was strange, that she was enjoying this but she was with her sister. She was holding her dear little Madelyn in her arms and Madelyn was hugging her back just as tightly like it was still the tenth century. For the first time in over a thousand years, she wasn't being coddled by her brothers, or treated like the almighty hybrid's spoiled little sister, or even as an all-powerful Original Vampire herself. For the first time in a very long time, she actually felt like she was a big sister again.


Eventually the two girls settled down. Maddie felt undeniably better than when she had left the witch house little more than an hour ago. She wouldn't have believed it if someone would have told her what would have happened in that time. She had cried on Rebekah's shoulder, calmed down, dodged calls from her best friends, and she was now spending quality time with one of the most powerful vampires on the face of the earth. The two had just exited the bathroom after Rebekah insisted on fixing Maddie's smudged up make up. They had exchanged jokes, talked about school, cheer leading, just like every other girl in town. It felt... normal. Maddie started for the bed, looking to take a seat while the other blonde started towards one of the shopping bags that were laying around the room.

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