Eddie sighed and replied "Yeah I guess you're right. I could just try and see what happens. If she says no at least I put in the effort to mend things."

"That's the spirit! Besides you will definitely have me at your graduation. All the teachers are required to attend but even if it wasn't mandatory I would still want to be there. You're an amazing person Eddie." Jamie said.

Just as they finished breakfast someone came in, announced that breakfast was over and that everyone had to proceed to yoga. The pair returned their trays to the end of the food line and walked to the yoga room. When they got there the room smelled like warm cinnamon and apples. Jamie commented, "Smells like one of my mom's apple pies she used to make before passing away."

"Mmm apple pie is so heavenly. I bet her recipe was amazing." Eddie whispered.

The pair grabbed mats and sat by one of the candles again. It was so warm and inviting. The soft flicker of the candle near them was very calming. The instructor came in and started the session.

"Take a few deep breaths and relax. We are now going to do dancer's pose. Remember to try your best to stay balanced. Hold that pose for 2 minutes class." The instructor said.

Eddie was having a bit of trouble but when she got the hang of it she looked so graceful. Jamie watched her for a minute before blushing and almost losing his balance. Eddie noticed this and let out a low giggle. Jamie regained his balance just as the instructor spoke again.

"Now we are going to enter bridge pose. Hold this for 2 minutes class." The instructor said.

Jamie let out a heavy breath and whispered over to Eddie "This one always gets me."

"Yeah me too. I really like a challenge though." Eddie whispered back.

"Okay class we will now enter plank pose. Hold this pose for 2 minutes." The instructor said.

Eddie struggled with this pose the most. She had to stretch her arms backwards as far as possible and it was really hurting her bruised hand. She let out a soft almost inaudible cry of pain. If Jamie hadn't been so close to her mat he wouldn't have heard it. When no one was looking he grasped her bruised hand and gave it a quick tender rub.

Eddie looked over at Jamie and mouthed 'Thanks'. Jamie mouthed back 'Anytime'.

"Now for our final pose we will be doing lotus pose and we will meditate for 5 minutes in this pose. Try to calm your body and relax your mind." The instructor said.

The pair along with the rest of the class got into lotus pose and started deep breathing and meditating. Jamie and Eddie were facing each other during this part of the class. Eddie opened one eye about halfway through and had to suppress a giggle. Jamie had his face screwed up funny in concentration. She touched his hand and he relaxed instantly and he started breathing gently.

"It's okay Jamie just breathe and relax." Eddie whispered.

Jamie listened to her voice and felt peaceful. He had never felt so peaceful in his life. If he was being perfectly honest with himself he hadn't felt this peaceful since before Joe had died. When Joe died he lost his peace and felt so emotional and vulnerable all the time. The world had gotten so raw and rough for him. Eddie made him feel calm and grounded. He knew he had to keep her in his life. They focused hard and finished meditating. When the class was done they relaxed for a few minutes.

"Wow that was good." Jamie said.

"Yeah I feel so relaxed." Eddie replied.

"I haven't felt this peaceful since before Joe died." Jamie said.

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