Chapter 2

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I know, I know. Please don't hate me for not being on in months, but I've had a lot of things to deal with especially things like school so, I'm very, very, very sorry.

Say Hello to chapter 2 of the Secret. Society. of Assassins. OR


The next morning.

Lee's alarm beeped loudly and echoed through his room. He grunted, threw his arm out from under the covers, and tapped his alarm off. He sat up in bed and threw the covers off of him. He got up and got ready for work.

He had on his business suit and black, leather briefcase in hand. He walked downstairs into the kitchen and prepared coffee. He looked at his watch and saw it was only 8:00. He placed his briefcase on the counter and opened it.

Their were empty slots for weapons to be placed. Lee walked over to his oven. He placed his hand the window of it and a digital keypad appeared. He tapped in his code and the door of the oven opened, revealing weapons of all kinds.

Lee reached for two glocks, a 1245 tanto fighting knife, and a karambit knife. He placed them in his briefcase and shut it. He turned to his coffee machine and grabbed his cup. He grabbed his keys, ran out the door and locked it. He got in his car and was on his way to work.


Lee walked through the huge doors of the Grand City Courthouse. He passed through security, scanned his card, and scurried to the elevators. There was no one in it besides him so he pressed the only button with no symbol on it. The elevator rushed down slowly to the secret last floor.

The elevator came to an abrupt stop and the doors opened. He walked to the front desk where the receptionist sat and typed on her computer.

"Good morning, Susan," Lee said.

She looked up from her work and smiled at him.

"Good morning, Agent L," she said with a little chuckle.

"How's life," Lee asked as he took a sip of his coffee and leaned over her desk.

"It's going great," she said.

"That's good!" Lee said as he took another sip of his coffee.

"Yep," she said as her computer beeped.

She looked back at it and opened the email. Lee took a big gulp of his coffee and Susan looked at him again.

"Chief wants to see you in his office. Like, right now," She said as alert flashed across her face.

He sighed. "What did I do this time?"

"He didn't say. All he said was to tell you to get to his office now!" She explained.

"Well, I guess I better go," Lee said as he began walking the long halls of busy people.

He came to the big blue double doors that led into the S.S.A. headquarters. He finished off the last of his coffee and he threw the plastic coffee cup into the trash can next to the double doors. He took a deep breath, he grabbed the handles of the double doors, and he pushed them open with all his might revealing a hanger filled with work places, equipment, and people. He walk through all the commotion and went to the top of the stairs where he found the chief's office. He found two guards in front of the chief's office. They granted him access in and he saw the chief sitting at his desk with Atticus on the opposite side.

"Agent L, please be seated." The chief said with a stern voice.

Lee made his way over to the chair next to Atticus. He placed his briefcase next to him on the floor, looked at Atticus, and then looked back at chief.

"What's the problem chief?" Lee asked with a concerned look on his face.

" Agent T here doesn't know what it means to complete a mission successfully without killing." The chief replied.

"Okay, what does that have to do with me?" Lee asked curiously.

" I want you to tell me all of what happened and don't think about saving his butt by lying, because if you do you will be suspended from work for a while." The chief said.

"Oh, okay. Well, the mission was going just fine. We landed safely, we crashed plane and burned up all the drugs, and we found the Drug Lord. Everything was cool until the Drug Lord tried to shoot at us. We were going to stop him, but before we could, Atticus shot him." Lee said with a very sad look as he glanced at Atticus who had a murderous look.

"Listen Atticus, I just wanted you to bring him in so that..."

"Reports are coming in saying that ten masked men are robbing the Grand City National Bank."

The News reporter on TV explained. The chief looked back at Lee and Atticus.

"Agent L and Agent T you both need to suit up. There's your next mission," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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