Chapter 15: why?

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"Jack? Jack? Hello?" Punzie questioned on the phone.

Dumbfounded. Looking at elsa storming out like that. Jack is Confused

What's her problem?

"Jack are you still there?" Punzie spoke

What just happened?

Jack snapped out. Resisting to follow elsa and asked her why.

He slowly lifted the phone to his ear.

"Uhh. Yeah punz. Ju-just things"

he heard her giggly. "More important than talking to me?"


"I was just kidding" she giggled again

Jack fake a laugh "something just happen.. And i-"

"You what jack?"

Jack saw elsa looking at him or more like glaring at him then she looked away angrily slamming the door.

He was stunned and puzzled as to why elsa is angry at him.

What did i do? He questioned in his mind


Surprise by the voice of punzie.

"Uh! Yeah. Yeah punzie" he immediately said without thinking or asking. He was surprise it just came out of his mouth. His eyes widen and facepalm himself.

I said yeah? For what. Idiot

He heard her giggle. "Yeyyy. See you jack! I cant wait for tomorrow" then she hung up the call without letting me say anything.

Beep beep beep

What did she just asked?
That we need to meet tomorrow?




And i said yeah




Stupid idiot jack!
He ruffled his hair, frustratedly

Jack sat down

What will elsa think of me now?













I need to ask why she's mad. He rushed outside.


When he arrived at the room elsa got inside to. He was gonna knock immediately but he stop.

What will i say. Would i make her more mad?

He paced around, infront of the door. Thinking things through.

"Elsa.. Pretty" no

"Snowflakes.. Did i something to make you mad?" No.

❣ Pretend Lovers ❣ (Jelsa) *on hold*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon