Close Call

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Close call

The dead nurse's has been ringing in my ears like I'm told of a very bad omen. My face was obviously emitting the same amount of worry and fear.

"Hey, you okay?" Harvey asked as he sat on the far side of my hospital bed.

"Yeah." My voice cracked while a nurse in bright yellow scrubs went inside my room. The moment she lifted my hand and started to remove the plasters around my butterfly canula, I knew I was getting discharged.

My body felt limp as I pressed the little cotton ball covered by the plaster that held my vein from bleeding, but when she requested Harvey to exit the room so she can help me bathe and get dressed, I instantly found strength. At last I'm going back to my apartment; I'm going to see him again. I'm gonna tell Henry all about my visions. I hope he doesn't find it weird when I talk about my dead mother and the ghosts I see.

I reached my apartment and Lady Bridgit's renovation team was all over the place. The smell of fresh paint filled my olfactory as I climbed up the stairs. Looking around the newly plastered ivory wall paper I saw Henry's apartment door.

308, I stared at the gold numbers wondering how exactly I should open a conversation. Oh, just say hi. I'm sure he'll make a damn good reply so we could continue the conversation. He's that talkative. After a few moments of gathering enough courage to knock, I noticed that the number 8 was slightly tilted.

A split second after fixing the number it, the door flew open. "Yes?" A girl with tousled auburn hair and bright green eyes asked, tightening a thick white blanket that held her humungous breasts that were like wild beasts eager to be unleashed.

I was about to say hi and ask if Henry was there but then, the possible painful reality dawned on me. This is Henry's apartment and what in the world is this woman doing naked in his apartment? She might be her girlfriend and God know what might be happening inside while I'm standing here dreaming of a glint of a possibility that there could be a 'we'.

"Oh, um, I... I should go. I... I just wanted to check if... if Henry's home?" I stuttered.

"Oh deary, that's just sad. You didn't even know about..." She spoke but I just can't hear what she's about to say. I can't, I just can't so I interjected as quickly as I could.

"Yeah, I... I get it. I should get going." I turned my back at her with my face contorted with a great degree of embarrassment. I ran to my apartment door without even saying goodbye.

Banging the door close, I felt safe inside my own territory. "Stupid, stupid girl." I hit my temples with my knuckles while I let my back slide down against my shiny white door. "Why did you even bother to look for uuuurrrggghhh." I buried my face between my knees while grumbling like a spoiled brat unable to get a new doll.

I lifted my head for air and my grumbling instantly stopped. There he stood, looking at me like a mad woman making a scene in a formal event. "Glad you're back." Henry spoke as he walked towards me. "I've been waiting for you" he added, offering his hand to help me stand up from my soft carpeted floor. "Where on earth have you been?" I grasped his hand he pulled me up. I didn't let go of his hand. "Were you with that guy all those time?" He added and I found my voice again.

Placing my hands on my waist, my eyebrows diverged. "So what? You've been with that girl all these time." I mumbled, tossing my bag on the couch as I passed by the counter, hitting his bicep.

"What girl?" He asked seemingly confused of what I'm talking about.

"Duh? Red head, watermelon tits." I gave him a clue, flipping my hair to face him.

"Iona? She's my cousin's wife. She's a professor in your university and they got married in Ireland a week ago. She just moved here with my cousin." He ezplained and I felt a heavy burden being lifted from my whole body.

"Right," I ran out of words. "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked, taking my coat off and hanging it on a white painted antler horn.

"I wouldn't want to be there when the whole apartment is shaking because they're doing their thing." He answered and I just had to laugh.

"You're right. Um, Iona teaches what exactly in my university?" I asked.

"Occult. Pretty cool right? My apartment now has dream catchers and these little jars with herbs." He said and I remembered what Harvey's nana said. She has to be that old lady's granddaughter.

Small world, I thought as I blankly stared at the closed glass window and the swaying leaves of a tree outside. And in such a small world, I was in the edge of disappearing forever. I nearly died. Is this how short life could really be? Close call huh, it surely was.

"Hey, you okay?" I was brought back by his voice. I turned to look at Henry and wondered why I never appreciated such lovely being. He's funny, he's caring, he's thoughtful, he's sweet and isn't he just the cutest thing?

Without even thinking properly, I walked towards him, held his nape, tiptoed and for a second, pressed my lips against his. He was frozen but I on the other hand was burning with so much plans of not getting eaten by the other side of the veil. "Thank you." I spoke, inches away from his parted lips.

"Thank you for what?" He spoke, unable to build an expression other than his reddening cheeks.

"For being here, for being you." I spoke excitedly as I ran to grab my bag and my coat. "And you're coming with me." I grabbed his hand and practically dragged him out of the door. I turned to loack my apartment door and he asked where I was taking him.

"To a fortune telling witch who's been helping deal with my psychiatric issues and who would help me to live longer because I finally have a reason why." I said as I ran in the hallway dragging his along.

"And that reason to live longer involves you dragging me around because?" He asked and I stopped in front of the main entrance where the electricians were testing the new chandelier lights. The moment the magical yellow lights filled the entire lobby, I had enough courage to tell him what I felt.

"Because I like it when you're around. I really, really do." I said and he gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

Sorry!!! Ultra late upload.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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