Chapter Five: Dangerous Obsession: Part 4

Start from the beginning

He sweated out the rest of a movie and when lights come up she had a big smile on her face. Well, He did the right thing, so he tried to tell himself. He picked up their trash and dumped it in the nearest garbage can. 

He was behaving exactly the way Cree wanted him too. He didn't intend to ever let her walk out on him again. 

After the movie he took her to a cafe for some burgers. It was a bit of a dive, but Cree seemed to like it's 1950s atmosphere. It had a jukebox that played classic rock 'n roll songs and she was humming along to a Buddy Holly tune that started playing.

He asked her to dance and even though she wasn't very good at it she accepted the invitation. At first she had two left feet, but he showed her some steps and she picked them up very quickly and about a hour of dancing her feet were growing sore and she insisted they take a break and have something to eat.

He led her to a table and pulled out a chair for her. "Thank you, Charlie," she said and smiled at him.

Charlie looked around and saw someone he knew. The man was standing in the corner and motioned to him before walking into the men's room.

"I'll right back, beautiful," Charlie said and stood up and kissed her on the head. "Nature calls."

He left the table and made his way to the bathroom. Cree looked on as he walked in. He looked around to see if there was anyone in there. The man who signaled to him come out of the stall at the far end.

"We're alone, Charles," he said and took off his hat.

"What is it, Clyde?" Charlie asked looking skeptical. 

He knew something was up. Clyde usually didn't have impromptu meetings out in the open and when one did occur he sent one of his enforcers to do his dirty work.

"I'll get to the point, Charles," he said looking at him intensely while circling around him. He did that as a form of intimidation, and it was working. Clyde was one man Charlie had no intention of crossing. "I want your girls... both I'd them."

"You'll have them, Clyde," Charlie said confused. He and Sid had already made the arrangements, not that Clyde gave them much choice. "Everything's set for Friday."

"That's not what I mean," he said and pulled out several one hundred dollar bills out of his pocket. He fanned them out to show five. "I have a every special buyer and after seeing the pictures of your girls he wants them at any cost."

"So your trafficking again," he said and rolled his eyes. Then he thought about all the missing persons reports of the street kids, mostly girls, and all of them were suspected to be active Sadians.

"What if I don't want to give them up?"Charlie said, trying to stand his ground. "Kali brings in good money, and Cree will no doubt do the same."

"I'm make it worth your while," he said and then pulled out a cigar.

"And if I refuse?" he asked. 

"Then I'll kill you and your partner and take the girls anyway. I know where you live, Charles. I know every move you and your friends make. Now, I don't like things to get messy, but if it comes to that then so be it. My way, you make money and I make money without any bloodshed."

"And what happens to Kali and Cree?" Charlie asked.

"That none of your concern, but there is a lot more talent out there and you may receive a position in my organization. Do this job right and you'll never have to worry about money again."

He handed Charlie the money and he held each bill up to the light to check to see if it was real. They were all genuine and he folded up the money and stuck it in his pocket. 

"You have a deal, Clyde," he said and shook the man's hand.

"Smart choice, boy," he said. "Now, deliver the girls by six. I send some outfits for them to wear. I plan to have my fun before handing them over to the buyer."

"Very well," Charlie said and was about to leave. 

Clyde grabbed his arm and Charlie looked into his eyes and saw a coldness there. "You cross me and you're dead, powers or no powers."

Charlie was shaking as he left the bathroom and stood there looking over at Cree. He calmed himself thinking she was about to get what she deserved.

Hey, guys I hope you liked this chapter. Charlie is being a sneaky underhanded little bastard who will sell out his friends for any price. See what happens next time when charlie betrays everyone. Will the girls escape and will charlie survive? Find out next time.

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