Sly Madara Sly Ch7

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Sakura POV

Wait..... Hold it..... This soft feeling on my lips and Onyx eyes in front of me....



Holy shit..... Im being kissed! And I like it! Oh nu oh oh no no nope nope!

Finally I pulled back from lack of air and gasped slightly as he grinned a tiny bit. He looked at me and smiled,

"You have very soft lips Sakura, Im sorry but I had a... Urge to do it.... Sorry" he looked down and I patted his back in forgiveness but.

"You....your my first kiss....." I mumbled and his eyes widened and he covered a gasp.

I trembled a bit but smiled afterward. He looked disgruntled and awkward but he smiled back a bit to show that he was happy

"Im sorry but Im glad I was your first." He grinned sheepishly and I looked down before heading to the door since our break is sadly over.

"Its not like I didn't enjoy it..." I mumbled and quickly fled downstairs!


I was just walking around when I saw this duck ass haircut and a hella good looking hunk of a guy, walking up to him I noticed that mostly all the girls on the street were drooling over him with their disgusting saliva. I looked at him and I noticed that he looked rather smug as if he enjoyed the attention.

Ugh slobs.... I looked at him with my nose scrunched up and he glared a bit so I walked away into this really nice looking Cafe. I looked at my phone and a little video to show what really happened with my little sister Sakura, she's a good kid really. She's sweet and never ever Tattled on me but when our father claimed me as the best child I guess I let that get to my head.... Oh I treated her so horribly...... Forgive me Sakura.

I took a seat down at a empty table and didn't notice when the duck butt followed me inside and oh gosh hey look! The oh so amazingly loud snobby group of girls following crowding the cafe with squeals and hearts... Ughhhhhh help me please Kami

I saw a flash of pink and emerald fly down the stairs and into the Kitchen and me being the most curios person in the world slipped away and was heading into the kitchen until something or someone should I say blocked my way. He was tall and had long messy black hair with a black attire and White apron that was damp and had a bit of soap on it.

"Excuse me but why are you headed into the kitchen?" He asked with a deep silky voice and I glared a bit at him before getting a little idea.

"Do you have anybody called Sakura? Sakura Haruno?" I looked at him hopefully and he slowly nodded, my eyes were as wide as saucers and I have to tell yah, our facial expressions were literally like this.

0.0 - me

-_- - him

:_: - me

O_O -him

"What's wrong?" He asked and I simply handed him a little envelope addressed Haruno Sakura with the little video I burned onto a DVD. Pushing it into his hands I headed to a empty table and waited for my menu.

Madara POV

This lady handed me a envelope which was labeled for Sakura so I made my way to the petite Pink haired girl who seemed a bit distracted. I swooped in onto her neck and poked the back of her head making her turn and looking at me but noticed the white envelope.

"What's that?" She pointed at it making sure she dried her hands and I Just shook my head not knowing what I was holding until our boss shouted at us to start making Food as our next lesson in a restaurant!

Eh we have a long day ahead of us don't we?

We were currently making Roast beef and Caesar salad for one of our patrons when I noticed that Sakura had a troubled looking face and the white little envelope opened. A crisp blue paper was inside with a small photo and I could see Sakura's eyes water a little and I dropped my knife to look over her pale shoulder.

She held the envelope close and suddenly dashed outside where I looked and saw the girl from earlier.

She had waist length dark pink hair and darker green eyes, her skin was pale and her nails were unpainted. She had black sunglasses and red lipstick, a black turtleneck and white skinny jeans. Honestly she looked good but I'm good with Sakura. 

The woman looked up to see Sakura staring at her and she whipped off her shades and embraced Sakura.

They talked really fast and both had clear tears running down their faces and they talked even faster, The woman gestured to me and Sakura blushed and shrugged.

I was really wondering what they were talking about but any guy could see the ladies needed their space, until that is a unearthly scream shrieked and a mob of girls crowded round one table.


"Date me!!!"

"Marry me oh my kami!!!"

I do not want to be apart of that group so I just stared and walked back to the kitchen to finish what I was doing




Be amazing

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All rights go to their respective owners

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