The next Day ch4

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Sakura POV

Oh god my eyes hurt so bad! See what happened was Me and that BluePin person was playing Facebook games together until 5:00 in the morning until I realized that I still had a bit of homework so I had said goodbye and got out my homework which took another hour with the help of coffee and now I'm choosing what to wear and eat before I drop.

My closet is filled with dark clothes, I like black and blue so shush!
I picked out a ankle length black skirt with a long black T shirt with Blue designs on it. I put them on adding some black comfy flats before taking some eggs out to make my lunch.
Hurray I have time! Well at least to make lunch but no breakfast... Ugh. I was beginning to fold the eggs and roll the, when Kiba came into my room.

"Hi Sakura!!!" He smiled while his hands were in his pockets, hair messy and glasses standing proud on the bridge of his nose. He had a black sweater with some blue strips and Black skinny jeans to match.

"What's for lunch?" He asked and I just pointed to the eggs and rice with some Carrots on the side in 3 lunch containers.
Mine was Black and Pink, Kiba was Black and White, Shino was Black and grey. The lunch was packed when Shino walked in wearing the same as Kiba but with Grey strips not blue.

"Let's go then!" I handed them their lunch as they took it with a smile. We left my room as I locked my door and we headed to school.

Well I would say we had a peaceful walk but noooo we just HAD to run into the most popular group in our school! The group consisted of
1. Neji
4. Sasuke
5. Naruto
6. Ten ten.

Yeah some were really nice but I just don't like most of them, sure Naruto and Tenten were nice but the rest were either arrogant or obnoxious rich kids, snobby too including Sasuke!

We were trying to walk past un noticed but nooo Karin sauntered up to us and stood in the way.

"Hey dork!" She shouted loudly and I stared at her through my glasses (I don't need them but it blocks out what I really see)

I kept silent and stared at her

"Say something dork!" She looked angry already
Temper tantrum much?

I kept on staring at her until I opened my mouth.
"I'm sorry Ms. Uzumaki but may you please move? Me and my friends are trying to get to school." I gave her a big fake smile and she looked pissed.

"And if I don't bitch?" She smirked folding her hands over her chest glaring at me. I returned her glare with a dull stare focusing my senses to dull out everything as I took my safety glasses off.

"Shino could you kindly take my glasses and go to school ahead of me?" I smiled sweetly and he nodded dragging Kiba with him. Yeah they know the drill. I stared at Karin who looked unimpressed, she smirked and put her hands on her hip. I took my notebook out and opened my eyes as I stared into her soul. My eyes see everything, her secrets are like a textbook to me and I wrote each one down.

Karin's secrets
Has wild dreams of having sex with Sasuke and running away with him, marrying him and every single day would be filled with sex and lust. Karin slept with 11 other men each still dating her, current appointment with Matthew at 6:00 pm today meeting at Barry's lobster house, plans to have sex with him while video taping the whole thing so she can re watch it later. Wants Sasuke to French kiss her and grope her, does not care anything for school,
Weight: 260 tries to hide it and lies being 100

On a diet but loves to eat fattening foods such as cake and steak keeps up a front for Sasuke. Currently hiding a knife in her bag to bully one of her victims Lila Mebuki in the bathroom.

Can't stay still for long constantly touching herself at home, has hand made Sasuke dolls in her room with multiple sex toys with pictures of Sasuke on them.
I wrote all this down and little notebook back into my bag, walking past her and ran to school before I was late.

Walking into class I saw my table group waiting for me with nervous smiles. "Shino can I have my glasses back?" I asked with my eyes closed until I felt the cold plastic in my hands.

"You did it again Sakura?" Kiba whined and I nodded pulling out a book, Sasuke looked confused.

"What did she do?" He asked and I simply tossed the notebook to him and he caught it opening with curious eyes.
His eyes were reading the paragraph labeled Karin and he looked calm but his eyes said it all. He was Disgusted he read some more and literally threw the book on the table, pages open so our table could see. Shino and Kiba looked at it and read it while I waited for their reaction which was also Disgust and loath. I closed the book when the teacher came in and droned everybody out as class started.

One who is innocent are the first to die...

I heard a voice and I looked around, suddenly the room felt colder, I rubbed my arms but Sasuke looked at me wierdly.

This is going to be a long day isn't it?

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