Chapter 13

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The group had assembled at the restaurant and ordered another huge meal with wine and traded information about their accommodations. Hoyte and Elora had found a flat over a tattoo parlour with its own entrance at the rear. It had a small two-piece washroom and a queen-sized bed, Hoyte pointed out with unconcealed glee. Wilfred and Ebony had a room in a tiny rooming house within walking distance of the restaurant. Their amenities went unmentioned. Terry had taken a small room in the rear of a grocery store because it allowed him to park the van in the private lane behind.

"Okay, next step is to lay out a plan going forward." Terry said, as they all pushed back from the table, sated.

"We don't have anything," Wilfred said. "Knowing where he worked doesn't help. His wife is no help either."

"Didn't he have a mistress?" Ebony asked.

"That's right, lass," Elora perked up. "She worked wi' him at the bank."

"What bank? We don't know that." Hoyte complained.

"So get on your computer and find out, old boy. Tax returns should help. We have his address he must have filed at some time."

Hoyte agreed and left the table to go back for his laptop.

"You getting along with him okay," Ebony asked.

"He does as he's told. I di' nae find him too troublesome."

"Be nice to him, Elora, he's our only computer expert here." Wilfred cautioned.

Terry ordered another bottle of wine for the table and they relaxed awaiting Hoyte's return.

"He worked at the Central Bank for Christ's sake!" Hoyte showed his frustration. "The national bank of the country and he uses it to diddle the accounts!"

"Easier in a crowd maybe," Wilfred offered.

"More places to hide." Ebony echoed.

"What about the employees?" Terry wanted to know. "Anything on dates of hiring or firing personnel?"

"Hey, I was saving that as a surprise."

"So, surpr-r-r-ize us, dearie."

The others picked up on the endearment and smothered grins.

"A teller named Anita Guerraro left at the same time as our friend and I have her address and before you ask, it is current."

"Well done, Hoyte." Wilfred slapped his shoulder. "I guess we know our next move."

Terry looked at the time and called for a vote. "Tonight or first thing tomorrow?"

It was four to one for tomorrow. Terry frowned and sighed, pouring another glass of wine.


"What did you learn?" Raoul faced his men across his desk, his bandaged hand still seeping blood into the wrapping making his look even more menacing.

"She was very strong, jefi, but they all break sooner or later."

"Was that my question?" Raoul's eyes flamed.

"She told the gringo about a small wine making village near Mendoza. It is where Heuntos lived at one time as a child."


"That was all she knew, jefi."


"He went back to his hotel for the night. We plan to follow him in the morning. Juan is watching the hotel tonight." The man released a grin and pointed to his companion. "We are finishing up with the mistress."

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