Chapter 5

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Terry blinked open his eyes and pulled a face. "Wha- what time is it?"

"Time to rise my friend. Today is the first day of school."

"Huh? What school?" He elbowed himself into a half sitting position and gazed foggy-eyed about the room. The fog lifted abruptly when he saw Jeantrine planted on the end of the bed in her negligee.

"Whoa! What's this?" He sat right up and pulled the covers around him.

"You had another rough night, Terry. Too much wine again."

"Y-e-a-h, so what happened?"

"We put you to bed and let you sleep in but now it's time to get up and get to work. The plan is into the second stage." She stood up and went to the bathroom door. "Your clothes are in here along with a razor, toothbrush and deodorant. Once you've finished we'll order up some food and then get to work."

"You went to my apartment?"

"You can't wear the same stuff every day. Besides it's much easier if you are right here ready to work and not traveling back and forth."

"I have responsibilities outside of this little game, Jeantrine. I have rent and bills. I have a job for cripe's sake!"

"You won't need that after we get the trust, Terry. And you'll be able to buy your whole building if you want."

"Still, my friends and- and..."

"You aren't a prisoner, Terry. We work for a while and you can do whatever you like but staying here now is very critical to our plans. We can't have the heir, who is from out of town, living in a flat right here in the city." She stood and his eyes closed slowly.

"Okay." He didn't move.

"Well c'mon, let's go."

"Where are you going to be?"

"I have to get dressed too, this is a hotel room, Terry, not a house."

"Well you go and get dre..." His words dribbled away as Jeantrine shed the negligee and stepped into a pair of pink, thong cut panties. She pulled on a stretchy t-shirt with no bra and then a pair of jeans so tight he swore he could see the outline of a mole on her hip. Slipping into a pair of sandals, she gathered her things and put them away in one of the dresser drawers.

"Let's GO, Terry!"

He slid over the side of the bed, holding the sheet in front of him and then did a jerky dance step around the perimeter of the room, keeping the sheet between he and Jeantrine until he reached the bathroom door, where it caught on the edge of a chair and pulled free.

"Tease." She laughed, as he changed to a salmon colour from head to toe. Terry closed the door and, angrily, stepped into the shower and blasted himself with water. He couldn't shake the image of Jeantrine's brown skin against the pink thong and his soap scrubbing took on a purgative objective.

Satisfied he'd driven any lustful thoughts from his mind, he toweled down, shaved and dressed then steeling himself against any possible comments he exited the bathroom and marched out to the living room.

"Aaah, he's here, the devil in a bed sheet." Jeantrine's mouth grew wide with a welcoming grin.

"Not funny." He looked about and frowned. "Is there nothing to eat?"

"Room service is on the way, Terry, grab a chair." She pointed to the seat next to her as she spread some papers out on the coffee table. "This is a brief bio of Trasker's heir. His mother's name, how they got together, the court battle and the shipping off of the baby to foster parents."

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