Chapter 6: Detention and Date

Start from the beginning

"Bye, Kaitlyn." I hang up, and pull into my driveway. I have a little over an hour to get ready for my date, so I jog up the stairs to my room to get ready. I search my closet, and find the perfect outfit.

I put on a pair of dark wash jeans, and a blue long sleeve T-shirt. I added a blue and off-white scarf, and slipped on my white toms. I curled my hair, and pinned up my bangs. I fixed my makeup, brushed my teeth, and I was ready. I go downstairs with my purse in hand, and sit on the couch, waiting.

After around 10 minutes, the doorbell rings. I open the door, and Jacob is standing there.

"Hey, wow you look amazing." He says. A slight pink blush spreads across my cheeks.

"Thanks, you look pretty good yourself." I say. And it's true, he looks awesome. He's wearing a plain red T-shirt, blue jeans, and a black leather jacket. I grab my tan leather jacket, and pull it over my shirt. I make sure my purse has everything I need, and we walk out the door. My dad was working late again, but he said he'll meet Jacob another time.

We get into Jacob's car, and buckle up. He starts it, and the engine makes the car vibrate. He pulls out, and we drive down to the carnival.

"So, how was detention?" He asks. At first, I thought he was being sarcastic, but then I looked at him. He looked completely serious.

"Uh, fine. But London was there, which was awful." I sat.

"Ugh, London. Why is that chick trying to get with me? I don't like her, I mean sure she's hot and all, but too desperate, and I heard she is really clingy."

"Desperate bitch."

"You cuss? Never thought I would hear that coming your pretty little mouth." He chuckles. I feel my cheeks slightly burn pink.

"Well..." I say. He chuckles again. His chuckle is really cute. We arrive at the carnival, and park in a random spot. The carnival is only a few minutes away from my house. We could've walked. He opens my door for me, and I take his hand, stepping out of the car. Jacob buys us each a wristband for unlimited rides, and we walk into the carnival. Jacob grabs my hand, which makes me blush, again.

So, what ride first?" He asks. I think for a moment, then point to the left.

"Bumper cars!" I exclaim. He laughs, and we walk over to the bumper cars. We wait in line for a few minutes, then when it's our turn, we both climb into a bumper car. I chose a red one, while he chose a blue one. I put on the seat belt the way you're supposed to. They tell you to cross them. Once every car is filled, the person at the front counts off.

"3...2...1!" And every car jumps to life, everyone riding around, smashing into whatever car they can. I take a sharp left, and ram into the side of Jacob's car. He sticks his bottom lip out, and I laugh. When I'm not looking, he rams into my car. My head hit the back of the headrest, sending a shock of pain through my head. Ouch, I will have one massive headache after this.

After another few minutes, the car starts to slow down, meaning the ride is coming to an end. Once the car stops, I hop out, Jacob doing the same. We meet up by the exit. He grabs my hand, and we go off to the next ride; the carousel.

Instead of climbing onto horses, we take the bench that is pulled by two horses. The carousel zooms to life.

"So, are you having fun so far?" Jacob asks.

"Yes, of course I am. Are you?"

"Of course, I'm with a beautiful girl with an amazing personality." He says. A pink blush spread across my cheeks at his comment. I look up at him.


"Seriously, you're gorgeous, Hannah. Whoever says different is crazy." I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Jacob. That means a lot."

"No problem." He lays his head on top of mine. In that moment, I know that I really do like Jacob.

After another minutes or so, the carousel stops. Jacob climbs out, offering his hand. I take it, and step out of the cart. We wander around, riding rides, eating caramel corn, funnel cake, and cotton candy.

We rode rides like, the train, the tea cups, the small river ride, the big roller coaster, and all the fun little kiddy rides. We played the games lined up on the sides, and even splashed around in the little lake in the carnival.

Towards the end of the night, I washed my mouth out with water, and popped a mint into my mouth. I can't stand my breath smelling like cotton candy. Plus, my mouth was coated in sugar. I hate that feeling. It was almost 11 PM, which was my curfew on the weekends. We decided to ride one more ride. Our last ride of the day was the Ferris wheel.

We climb into the bottom cart, and waited to start going up.

"So, did you have fun tonight?" Jacobs asks.

"I did, a lot. It was the most fun I've had in awhile. What about you?" I ask.

"I've had a lot of fun too, I definitely needed this. You are simply amazing." I smile at his words. There is only one thing that could make this night even better. Instead of waiting for him to make a move, I did. He had already put his arm around me, and we had just arrived to the top.

I look up at him through my lashes. He gets the hint, and when I see agreement in his eyes, I lean in and press my lips against his, very gentle at first, testing the waters. He responds instantly, so I add to the pressure. It was a very gentle kiss, which I took complete control of. It was soft and sweet, just as a first kiss should be. When I pull back, I look into his eyes. I lean my head on his shoulder, and we sit silently, for the rest of the ride.

Once the ride is over, we get out of the cart, and walk back to the car. We get in and buckle up. He starts his car, and we drive back to my house. We drive in silence, reflecting on the date in our heads. It was a comfortable silence, a relaxing one.

Once we pull into my driveway, he opens my door, and we walk hand in hand to my front porch. He stands in front of me, holding both of my hands.

"I had a great time, tonight." I say. "Thanks for eveything."

"I had a great time too, no problem. We should do this again sometime." He says. I smile up at him.

"We definitely should, just call me and let me know." I say. I look up at him, wanting another kiss. I tell him with my eyes, and he gets the hint. He drops my hands, and puts one hand on the side of my neck, and one on my waist.

When he leans towards me, I place my hands on his hips. Trust me, it drives them nuts when your hands are that close to their manhood. Personal experience. I can tell he didn't expect it, and liked it, because as soon as my hands made contact with his skin, his lips fiercely connect with mine.

It start out as a sweet kiss, until I decide to jump, and lick his bottom lip, begging for entrance. He immediately opens his mouth, and I slide my tongue in, playing tag with his. I lightly grabbed his bottom lip with my teeth, pulling on it. I pulled back, leaving him wanted more. I winked, and walked in my house.

When I looked out the window, he was still standing there, his fingers touching his lips. I laughed to myself, and went upstairs to my bedroom, greeting my dad on the way up.

And here is the 6th chapter! Don't worry about Jacob, he's just a distraction!

The next chapter will have plenty of Alex time! And some London time, hmmmm. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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