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my heart was pounding out of my chest.

it was around five in the morning, the sun already coming up and michael still wasn't back yet. tears were starting to pour down my cheeks as i gripped my hair tightly, glancing towards the balcony doors now and then.

he didn't show up.

i sat down in front of my bed, tucking my knees up to my chest as i breathed in and out of my nose. just as i started to feel like passing out, the white haired boy stumbled through the bedroom door with a smile on his face.

i didn't stare at that, however. instead i looked down at the bloody clothes he was wearing.

"w-where the fuck were you?!" i scrambled off the floor, pulling the boy into a tight hug and ignoring the sticky warm feeling of blood between us. he chuckled lightly.

"i told you i was going out silly."

i pulled away, staring at the smile on michael's face. "w-what did you steal?"

michael pushed my away softly, digging in his back pocket and pulling out a pair of pearl earrings. i looked at him confused before brought one up to his ear and clipped it in. "do they look too big on me?"

"n- a- you fucking stole pearl earrings? what the fuck happened!" i motioned to his blood stained clothes and he shrugged and clipped the other one in.

"these were at the front of the store and you see the store was locked and the back door had a wild dog guarding it so my only choice was to break the window." 

i slapped him across the face.

"ouch." the younger boy pouted and held his cheek as he continued. "after the alarm went off i grabbed the earrings but somehow the dog had jump the fenced and attacked me. the sirens were coming down the street so i was chased by a dog till i ran past georgia's house. you know the one with all the cats?"

i nodded. 

"one of them was hanging around so the dog got distracted and i ran all the way back here. i saw your parent's car by the way."

i slapped him across the face again.

"so you mean to tell me you got chased by a wild dog, cop cars who also happened to belong to my parents, for a pair of pearl earrings?" i crossed my arms over my chest and michael huffed.

"can i shower now?" before i could answer he was already stripping down to his boxers and walking to the bathroom. i picked up the clothes and put them in the washing machine downstairs knowing my parents were going to be home in an hour.

especially after michael.

whenever something big happened they would come home as soon as they were done to tell me about it and lecture me about it. i laughed a little, knowing it was going to be on stealing and glancing at the pearl earrings michael had taken off before he had gotten into the shower.

i grabbed the box from under the bed and set the pair in there gently before putting the box back under the bed. 

the shower had stopped running and michael stepped out with damp hair and a fluffy towel wrapped around his waist. i dug through my drawers, handing him some boxers and a pair of sweatpants for him to sleep in. 

although we did have school in an hour, i handed michael a t-shirt and he changed quickly while i walked into the bathroom and started my shower.

after i was done i changed into skinny jeans and a sweatshirt, finding michael sitting on the bed finishing up math homework he hadn't done. he looked up and smiled at me, and i sent a small wave even though we were in the same bedroom only a few feet away from eachother.

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