Chapter 4

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The first Skype call. To be honest, I was actually pretty scared. I mean, I didn't know how old she was, what she sounded like, and once again, for all I knew she could be an old man sitting in his underwear.
I remember we planned a time to talk, because we wanted the Skype call to be perfect. Ring ring. I was so tense, waiting for her to pick up. But when she did pick up, all my fear left my body. She was (of course) a young girl, who sounded the same age as me. "So, Abigail! I'm glad I know your not a creep!" Im sure that's something along the lines I said. We began talking for hours, getting to know more about each other. I even found out I was a day older than her! And I still tease her about it.
When I was talking to Abigail, it was probably one of the greatest moments of my life. I mean, she was funny, she had a good sense of humor, and during the Skype call she even showed her face. She had brown straight hair, and a smile on her face.
After that Skype call, we began talking all the time. We would troll people, play multiplier games, and have a blast. Sadly, Raquel didn't have Skype at the time, but she said she would get one. I remember thinking, wow! Imagine all of us having one group call? That would be amazing. And before you know it, she was talking with us.
Raquel was one grade older than us, and she had beautiful brownish blond hair. She didn't show her screen much, mainly because her phone would glitch out. But she did send me several selfies of herself, so I know she wasn't pulling pictures off the internet.

"Internet" FriendsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz